大学教授卡林迪尝试开放式关系,开始了自己的爱欲探索,先后与学生和同事约会,事情的发展却慢慢失去了控制。 苏妲受雇帮忙打扫阿吉特的单身公寓,他们之间有秘密的性关系,阿吉特的父母来小住,一户人家前来提亲,苏妲 看着两家人商议婚事,不禁暗自伤心。家庭主妇瑞娜,与丈夫的好友发生了长达三年的婚外情,丈夫开始怀疑瑞娜 背叛了他,瑞娜则向他说出自己在婚姻中的挫败感,并坦陈一切。女教师梅加本应沉浸在新婚的甜蜜中,却有自己 的苦恼,丈夫不解风情,只顾享受床笫之欢,不懂照顾她的需求,同时婆家不停催促她怀孕生子,她受同事瑞卡的 启发想到了办法,却闹出笑话。影片由四位导演执导的短片组成,从不同层面探讨了印度电影中鲜少触及以女性为 主的爱欲题材,刻画了丰富生动的女性形象。
/帕维尔·丘赫莱伊 Pavel Chukhraj
Young lovers, Max and lime dream to live life together, but there comes a war, and everything that seemed inviolable — their feelings and plans falling apart like a house of cards. Max together with his parents and other Jewish families the Germans were taken to the death camp. He manages to survive and return after the war to his hometown, where he was waiting for a bitter disappointment — all this time the father of limes secretly actively helped the Nazis.
“EMILY” tells the imagined life of one of the world’s most famous authors, Emily Brontë. The film stars Emma Mackey (“Sex Education”, “Death on the Nile”) as Emily, a rebel and misfit, as she finds her voice and writes the literary classic Wuthering Heights. “EMILY” explores the relationships that inspired her – her raw, passionate sisterhood with Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling – “The Musketeers”) and Anne (Amelia Gething – “The Spanish Princess”); her first aching, forbidden love for Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen – “The Lost Daughter”, “The Haunting of Bly Manor”) and her care for her maverick brother (Fionn Whitehead – “The Duke”, “Dunkirk”) whom she idolises.
Many months after her disappearance, the mother of a missing daughter starts her own increasingly irrational investigation. At times she plays with reality, at others – she questions it. These experiences strengthen her observation skills, which eventually leads her to be able to perceive a miracle beyond boundaries. A film about the power of human spirit, about searching for reconcilement and harmony against tragic circumstances.
/Suresh Triveni
A hit and run of an 18 year old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a journalist , a raging mother, a cop and a system all caught in an ethical dilemma. Questions raised only to realise that truth is rarely pure and never simple.
/Karen Shakhnazarov
有人戏称这部电影是“四个男人的一台戏”。 影片中基本没有特别引人的情节,没有激烈的动作打斗场面,甚至没有撩人心弦的爱情故事,然而绕有趣味的是,影片除却赢得了1700万观众,还被当时权威电影杂志《苏联银幕》评为1983年最佳影片。 这样一部既叫座又叫好的影片讲述了前苏联20年代四个青年音乐家组办爵士乐队的故事。在那样一个“火红的年代”,属于“资本主义意识形态”的爵士乐很难被苏联官方接受。出现在影片中几乎所有文化场合的标语“艺术要为劳动人民服务!”是那个时代的典型象征。四个热爱爵士乐的青年就这样不合时宜、一波三折地进行着他们“不可能完成的任务”。 影片拍摄完成的80年代,苏联人已经开始通过一些“非法渠道”接触西方文化,当时,《巴黎最后的探戈》录像带开始半地下流行,持不同政见歌手的音乐会也几乎场场爆满。因此,在这样一种社会背景下影片中发生的故事立刻能得到观众的认同,主人公们对理想的执着、对自我价值的肯定、对友谊的坚持也让人感觉亲近和鼓舞。 影片运用幽默诙谐的手法对时代进行嘲讽,用优美的音乐旋律和舞蹈动作打动观众,一个本应沉重的题材得以让人轻松地内省。 导演卡·沙赫纳扎罗夫、编剧亚·巴拉基杨斯基、摄影弗·舍弗兹伊克构成了一个强力组合, 剧本经过10次修改,人物性格设计上的差异赋予了演员极大的发挥空间。透视片中时代里的个体、音乐里的个性,我们看到一种俄罗斯哲学的智慧。或许有一天,你已经忘记了影片故事的情节,但是某些掺杂着辛酸与甜蜜、沮丧与欣喜的电影画面会在脑海中悄然浮现。 影片获1984年法国格勒诺布尔国际音乐片电影节评委会特别奖,波兰罗兹国际电影节银奖,并参展1984年伦敦、芝加哥、贝尔格莱德等电影节。
/Buntanik Boonsin
这部剧主要讲述了女主角Dao(Benz 饰)眼睁睁的看着心爱的男人Sake(Ball 饰)跳下大楼,她十分痛苦,而一切的渊源无从知晓。渐渐的,Dao发现了一个叫Pin(Fang Pitchaya 饰)的女人可能与Sake的死有关,而这个女人,与Anlaweepiya(Jean Gaewalin 饰)针锋相对,抢走了Anlaweepiya的未婚夫Linn(Puri 饰),随后又不惜一切的去抢Tevaa(Fluke Jira 饰),总之这就就是个标准的泰剧女二,泰剧的女二都极其的坏,而且不到结局之前不会挂,干什么坏事都是特别顺利,像开了挂一样。 女主是一个为爱付出的善良女生,她说 ,有时候,爱情可能不会发生 ,直到第一次,我们相遇,我爱上他直到海枯石烂......男主Tevaa说,人与人的相遇可以骗过全世界,但唯独不能骗过自己的心。Anlaweepiya和Tevaa的爱情将何去何从。总之这是一部制作精良的泰剧,泰剧迷们可以放心入坑了哦,我已经替你们探好路了,不会后悔的哦。
/Nik Amir Mustapha
Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the "Life Action Bureau" or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and vivacious Zara with whom he eventually falls in love with and gives him a reason to live. The new Akil who embraces life must now race against time to undo what he has set in motion before he gets killed.
本部电影讲述身处硝烟弥漫的战争年代,一对热恋中男女青年的悲情爱情故事。薇罗尼卡(塔吉娅娜·萨莫依洛娃 Tatyana Samojlova饰)和鲍里斯(阿勒克塞·巴塔洛夫 Aleksey Batalov饰)本是沉浸在甜蜜热恋中的幸福情侣,可随着战争的爆发,这一切的美好即将 破灭。鲍里斯参军,薇罗尼卡的父母在敌机的轰炸中双亡,悲痛欲绝的她只能寄宿在鲍里斯父亲的家中。鲍里斯的表弟趁机占有了她,薇罗尼卡受到众人指责。双重打击下的薇罗尼卡本想一死了之,可心中仍苦苦等待着鲍里斯的归来。当得知鲍里斯牺牲的消息后,薇罗尼卡彻底绝望了。战争结束,当所有人都在庆祝胜利的时候,薇罗尼卡也双手捧着鲜花来到广场上。这时,一行大雁在空中飞过,就像当初的美好时光一样。 本片一经问世,就轰动了整个世界影坛,以其绝美的光影对比,绝佳的镜头运用,一举荣获1958年戛纳国际电影节金棕榈奖和摄影大奖。
曾经,大魔术师马斯卡雷(里提克·罗申 Hrithik Roshan 饰)一次又一次的用自己高超的技术和精彩的表演震惊世人,不幸的是,一次表演中的失误让他不得不面临终身瘫痪的悲惨命运。在护士索菲亚(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)的精心照料 下,马斯卡雷的“瘫痪生活”过的还算不错,与此同时,只能躺在床上的他依然在努力用自己的智慧和语言为魔术事业做着贡献。 随着时间的推移,马斯卡雷发现自己的思维开始混沌,身体的各项技能都因为长时间的静卧而出现了退化,这也意味着,用不了多少时间,他将真正的变成一个“植物人”。意识到了自己糟糕的境况,马斯卡雷向索菲亚提出了一个令人震惊的请求,那就是让她帮助他结束自己的生命。
/Christopher McCulloch
The warped misadventures of a former boy genius turned washed-up, middle-aged mad scientist Dr. Rusty Venture; his moronic teenage sons; their maniac bodyguard; and the Doctor's arch-nemeses, incompetent super villain The Monarch and his masculine paramour, Dr. Girlfriend. Written by Jojo Mac
/Yevgeny Yufit
Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage and only years later learns the circumstances of his father's disappearance and death. Childhood memories bring the main character back to the past: he buys a house in the suburbs that used to belong to his family. In the basement, he finds his father's archives and scientific research documents on the hybridization of human race with related biological species. Studying the archive material, he unexpectedly finds evidence of efforts to renew the experiments on the remaining hybrid population. The painter then becomes a researcher, and consequently a victim. The basic idea of his father's research was to change, control and influence the process of human evolution - initially connected with eugenics theories of the period before World War II, and now being placed in a context of modern 'biotechnological' expectations by his former colleagues. The main character tries to recreate and realize his father's heritage, who was forced to cooperate with state terror organizations, using the results of his secret research. In a tragic manner, this information turns into the main character's reality, at first forcing him to reappraise his father's values and later driving him to madness.
科学家阿尔玛在柏林著名的佩加蒙博物馆工作。为了获得研究经费,她同意参加一个不同寻常的实验。在三周的时间里,她要和一个人形机器人汤姆生活在一起,这个人工智能被设计成她理想的生活伴侣。机器以英俊的人形设计,是为她的快乐而造的。接下来是一个悲剧故事,探讨了爱、渴望和人类的概念。导演玛丽亚·施拉德曾获得银熊演员奖,同时也是一位出色的电影导演,她改编了Emma Braslavsky的故事,并为其注入了电影的暗示力量。她展现了对表演化学反应的深刻理解,她恰到好处地挑选并指导了一对主角,他们是有趣而不自然的、失败的一对。但是,还有什么比研究分析和感觉之间的颤动更有成效的呢?毕竟,诗歌也能用到左脑逻辑。