/J.J. Johnson
Dana is a 9-year old girl who loves dinosaurs. Her life changes forever when she's given a Dino Field Guide, which not only teaches her new things about dinosaurs, but gives her the power to imagine dinosaurs into real life.
/J.J. 约翰逊,玛斯·霍洛迪斯基,Stephen Reynolds
/J.J. 约翰逊,玛斯·霍洛迪斯基,Stephen Reynolds
Based on the Hit U.K. Series The Driver, Esposito stars as Gracian “Gray” Parish, a family man and proud owner of a luxury car service in New Orleans. After his son is violently murdered and his business collapses, an encounter with an old friend from his days as a wheelman resurfaces old habits, sending Gray on a high-stakes collision course with a violent criminal syndicate.
/Andreas Pichler
Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics. He travels around the world from Germany via England to Nigeria to detect aggressive trading practices of the global alcohol industry seeking growth in new markets at all costs. He also visits Iceland, which successfully made the turnaround: Where 20 years ago hordes of drunks roamed the streets, young people today master their need for relaxation and life stimulants without alcohol. The film has no intention to point a moral finger but nevertheless will significantly change the drinking habits of the viewer.
当爱丽丝(安德丽娅·赖斯伯勒 饰)和杰克(多姆纳尔·格里森 饰)第一次见面时,他们之间产生了一种强大到似乎无法打破的联系。但爱丽丝在过去受到的深刻创伤使她拒绝了杰克,两人分道扬镳。在随后的几年里,他们的生活仍然不断产生交集。但每一次他们之间纯粹爱情都被环境、过去或他们自己的不完美所打破。而当他们的爱情似乎终于变得有形时,可怕的事情发生在他们身上,这将不可逆转地改变他们的未来。在故事的最终,两人甚至想知道爱是否可以超越生命本身。 如此坦诚、亲昵又出人意料的有趣,这个引人入胜的爱情故事探讨了我们这个时代的开创性问题:我们之间的纽带是否比撕裂我们的力量更强大?
上世纪30年代,日本侵略者的铁蹄肆意践踏神州大地,华夏儿女沦为亡国奴,更惨遭日寇荼毒,中华民族到了生死存亡的时刻。时至此时,国民党、共产党纷纷奋起反抗,而隐藏在民间的高手也不愿束手就擒,坐以待毙,他们贡献出自己的绵薄之力,书写出一段段可歌可泣的抗日奇侠史。为了壮大抗日的队伍,共产党某营营长王牧风(王新军 饰)吸收了廖天生(徐亮 饰)、宋无娇(尔玛依娜 饰)、鬼魂铁柱(李嘉明 饰)、杜大鹏(马京京 饰)等武功高手加入组织,他们成为了最令日寇头疼的奇侠部队…… 本片号称投资近五千万、号称采用好莱坞拍摄手法、还号称美国后期制作。
《超情色》由马特奥·罗韦尔、弗朗西斯·卡罗西尼和弗朗西丝卡·马佐莱尼执导,灵感源自洛可·希佛帝的真实生活。这是一个贯穿他童年生活的深刻故事,讲述了他的家庭、他的出身、他与爱情的关系,并揭示了洛可·塔诺是如何以及何时从奥托纳的一名普通男子变成了洛可·希佛帝 — 世界上最著名的色情男星。 亚历桑德罗·博尔吉饰演洛可·希佛帝,杰丝敏·特丽卡饰演露西娅(一个虚构的女性角色,代表了罗科一生中与之有过关系的大多数女性的综合体),阿德里亚诺·吉安尼尼饰演洛可同父异母的兄弟托马索,萨尔·南尼饰演年轻时的洛可。其他演员还包括恩里科·博雷洛(加布里埃莱)、文森佐·内莫拉托(里卡多·斯基奇)、加亚·梅塞克林格(莫阿纳)、雅德·佩德里(西尔维)和琳达·卡里迪(蒂娜)。
Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
/Drew Xanthopoulos
苹果宣布,它已获得令人敬畏的纪录片《Fathom》的全球版权,该片将于6月25日在Apple TV+上独家首映。 由德鲁·Xanthopoulos(“敏感人”)执导和拍摄,《Fathom》跟随Dr.艾伦·加兰和博士米歇尔·富内特,两位科学家专注于座头鲸歌曲和社交交流的研究。当他们在世界对立面开始平行的研究之旅时,他们寻求更好地了解鲸鱼文化和交流。这部纪录片独特地揭示了对科学pxrocess的深刻承诺和敬畏,以及人类寻求我们周围世界的答案的普遍需求。从假设到该领域的突破性经验,“法通”展示了领先科学家做出科学发现所需的激情、好奇心、合作、毅力和工作。
/Ian Cheney
The Most Unknown is an epic documentary film that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world to uncover unexpected answers to some of humanity's biggest questions. How did life begin? What is time? What is consciousness? How much do we really know? By introducing researchers from diverse backgrounds for the first time, then dropping them into new, immersive field work they previously hadn't tackled, the film reveals the true potential of interdisciplinary collaboration, pushing the boundaries of how science storytelling is approached. What emerges is a deeply human trip to the foundations of discovery and a powerful reminder that the unanswered questions are the most crucial ones to pose. Directed by Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Ian Cheney (The Search for General Tso, The City Dark) and advised by world-renowned filmmaker Werner Herzog (Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, The Wrath of God, Grizzly Man), The Most Unknown is an ambitious look at a side of science never before shown on screen. The film was made possible by a grant from Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.
/迪内什·德索萨,John Sullivan
开篇通过情景再现独立战争的经典场面,假设了华盛顿死于战争等情况下美国将何去何从。在长久以来的观念中,美国作为世界上唯一的超级大国成为世界人民心驰神往的理想国度,而美国梦则帮助一代又一代的普通民众走向成功,梦想成真。但是外表华丽的美利坚却有着永远无法洗刷的原罪,窃取土地、窃取劳动、窃取资源等等,是许多学者和平民对这个咄咄逼人的帝国最强烈的指控。本片导演Dinesh D’Souza通过采访和史料,试图推翻上述有失偏颇的指控,进而指出真正让美利坚之梦破碎的恰恰是奥巴马、希拉里及其背后的少数利益既得者。孰是孰非,莫衷一是,或许不过又是一场纸牌屋的博弈…… Dinesh D’Souza是一名印度裔美国人,他曾导演纪录片《2016:奥巴马的美国》试图影响2012年的大选。