14岁的蒂芙阿尼•法奈利,出生于普通家庭,被势利的母亲送去布拉德利贵族学校,当作攀附权贵的跳板。美丽的法奈利如愿融入贵族圈子,成为众人追捧的万人迷,却没有人知道她内心的孤独。在一次校园聚会中,法奈利经历了始料未及的侵害,从而卷入让她痛不欲生的校园暴力事件,随后一起校园枪杀案更是彻底改变了法奈利的人生轨迹。 28岁的阿尼•法奈利,生活在纽约,拥有一份光鲜体面的工作,一个有着贵族血统的高富帅未婚夫,一枚价值不菲的绿宝石婚戒,一个装满昂贵华服的衣橱,她一直努力追求的完美生活几乎近在咫尺。但法奈利知道,她只是假装很好。 让无数女孩子艳羡的水晶灯、红毯,以及名贵的婚纱就在不远处等着她,但她同样深深地恐惧,曾经像荆棘般缠绕的不堪回首的记忆,会让她一直试图掩藏的另一个自己——蒂芙阿尼•法奈利现出原形。 一个人需要隐藏多少秘密,才能巧妙地度过一生?而命运又会在什么时候告诉我们真正的答案:当你终于有勇气拥抱自己的内心时,你到底要成为蒂芙阿尼•法奈利,还是阿尼•法奈利?
/Lindsay Mackay
It’s the start of the spring term in a small northern town, heralding swimming lessons, hanging out with best friends, new classes and new possibilities. But this year, things are different for 14-year-old Sam. While her friends are moving on, focusing on boys, experimenting with drugs, Sam is too uncomfortable to even take off her bathing suit in front of the other girls. After landing herself into trouble, she is forced to work as a cleaner at the retirement home run by her mother. Sam finds unexpected and unlikely friendships with two of the retirement home’s residents who end up teaching Sam a few things about growing up — and growing old. (Tiff 2014)