The Horror of Dolores Roach is a grotesque Sweeney Todd-inspired tale of Eat or Be Eaten; a macabre urban legend of love, betrayal, weed, gentrification, cannibalism, and survival of the fittest. It follows the indomitable Dolores Roach, who returns to a New York City neighborhood that has changed drastically during the sixteen years she has been in prison. Her boyfriend missing, her family long gone, Dolores is recognized only by an old stoner friend, Luis, who gives Dolores room and board and lets her give massages for cash in the basement apartment under his dilapidated empanada shop. When the promise of her newfound stability is quickly threatened, ‘Magic Hands Dolores’ is driven to extremes to survive — leaving in her wake a string of strangled massage clients. In the face of unexpected professional success, Dolores and Luis become dangerously symbiotic, and Luis must unleash his own particular predilections.
一天晚上,Hutch(鲍勃·奥登科克 Bob Odenkirk 饰)位于郊区的家中遭两名小偷闯入。为了避免暴力冲突,Hutch没有为自己或是家人反击。他的儿子Blake(盖奇·芒罗 Gage Munroe 饰)对他感到很失望,他的老婆Becca(康妮·尼尔森 ConnieNielsen 饰)似乎也因此更加疏远他。这起事件激发了Hutch心中压抑许久的情绪和本能,促使他走上残酷的道路,将揭露他黑暗的秘密和致命的能力。在拳头、枪弹和急速行驶的车阵中,Hutch必须从危险的敌人(阿列克谢·谢列布里亚科夫 AlexeySerebryakov 饰)手中救出自己的家人,并确保别人不会再把他视作无名小卒。