/Iain B. MacDonald,Sarah O'Gorman,Luke Watson
英国BBC电视剧《Hustle》是一部另类的电视剧,目光对准了在伦敦市招摇撞骗的五个诈骗犯,虽然不像那些打打杀杀的犯罪分子们总是弄得血雨腥风,却依然看得人心惊肉跳。全剧由曾凭借《MI-5》获得英国学院奖的制作团队打造。 诈骗:一种无形的犯罪,手法是找出某人想要什么,然后再诱骗他们上当。Hustle是由MI-5的原班制作打造,描述五个一流的老千在伦敦市行骗的过程。他们专找具争议情的人物下手。他们的第一条行规是;不能骗老实人。
Starring Larry David as an over-the-top version of himself, the iconic Emmy® and Golden Globe®-winning comedy series CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM offers a tongue-in-cheek depiction of the writer/producer/comedian’s fictionalized life. The comedy series continues to prove how seemingly trivial details of one's day-to-day life can precipitate a catastrophic chain of events. To keep the narrative spontaneous, the series is shot without a script and cast members are given scene outlines and improvise lines as they go.
Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.
Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 ups the drama and keeps you guessing, with the introduction of more test subjects – a new island of teenage boys – who must also fight for survival under the watchful eye of the experiment’s puppet master.
In season three, Ray’s world has contracted. Family life looks a little different as he quietly mourns the loss of Bruce, while figuring out how to care for his aging father, Bill (Kenny Graham). As Brittany (Chika Yasumura) grows into a young woman, she draws further away from Ray and comes closer to discovering the truth about who he really is. Things seem good with Gary (Justin Rosniak) and Dave (Matt Nable), however since severing ties with former boss and confidant Freddy (Damon Herriman), Ray is working freelance and feeling a sense of isolation. With business booming, a new connection with criminal kingpin Rafael (Jeremy Sims) intensifies Ray’s struggle and when sparks fly with new colleague Zoe (Emily Barclay), an unexpected tragedy makes Ray question both his career trajectory and his ethics.
剧名来自迪奥载入史册的女装新款式“新风貌”。故事受真实事件启发,聚焦时装设计师克里斯汀·迪奥和可可·香奈儿的竞争关系。克里斯汀·迪奥在二战期间迅速崛起,其具有创新的标志性风格,使世界重新焕发生机。 除了二战后统治全球时尚数十年的迪奥,和香奈儿之外,这部交织传 奇故事还将包括其他迪奥同代人和竞争对手的故事:皮埃尔·巴尔曼(Balmain)、克里斯托瓦尔·巴伦西亚加(Balenciaga)、贝尔·德·纪梵希(Givenchy)、皮尔·卡丹(Pierre Cardin)、伊夫·圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)等。
陈峰自小品学兼优,无论在面对任何人生关都保持最佳状态迎战。峰在外界眼中是人生的大赢家; 他事业有成,也继承家族所留下的家业,更与大学时期所结识的女友,苏婉怡建立起美满的家庭。直到有一天,怡的家中发生了一宗迷离命案,在案发现场的怡,因脑部受到撞击,深度昏迷,而这宗命案最重要的线索更被怡目睹一切。一向人生顺风顺水的峰,发现自己完美的人生不再完美,两夫妻的关系也慢慢开始改写。 在怡昏迷的期间,峰在工作上结识了非常合拍的下属,江紫珊,开始与珊日久深情,展开了地下情。此时,峰也开始发现自己对怡原有的感情已有了变数,开始对怡的病情不闻不问,令怡的学弟兼见习督察,纪杰轩起疑。轩发现峰曾在七年前所发生的命案录了假口供,开始暗中调查峰并决定为怡的至亲翻案。 当峰决定与珊移民到国外过二人世界时,收到怡终于从昏睡中苏醒的通知,发现怡已失去所有记忆。峰在此时决定暂时放下与珊之间的感情,回到怡的身边照顾她。怡在恢复记忆的期间,慢慢发现峰原来隐藏着许多不可告人的秘密,两夫妻开始了互相猜疑,各怀鬼胎的关系。在婚姻上缺乏安全感的怡,决定向轩求助。怡在轩的帮助下,开始记起当年命案的重要线索,而当年在案发现场除了怡,她还看到了自己最熟悉的背影,而自己对峰... 另一方,峰也对怡... 此时,陈家发生了命案。难道这两夫妻真的相见不如不见,谁是真凶?是他、是她、还是他们?