挚爱消逝,年轻女孩茱莉的生活困在死寂的余波中。那位迷人的神秘男子停驻在她行经的每一个角落,让她一再复访与他有关的人事,贪恋两人曾经的亲密相依、控制臣服,试图为狂暴芜杂的昔日关系寻获一个明晰的解答。毕业在即,她的电影创作依旧备受挑战,遥遥无期。人生如戏,戏如人生,她能否攀伏情感的藤蔓,让这段刻骨铭心的初恋成为滋养作品的坚实养分? 时隔两年,英国编导琼安娜霍格率领蒂尔达·斯文顿等原班人马回归,盛邀观众再探敏感纤细的情感世界,打造一出真挚饱满的杰出续作。序幕拉起,虚实交叠,行过漫漫旅程,当那部同名毕业作跃然于银幕之上,彷若泄进生活的一缕微光,那些曾经疼痛交织的细节,终将成为助燃人生的点点星火,也是青春年华的恒久纪念。
改编自同名经典科幻片的美剧《12只猴子》,日前确定将于2015年1月16日晚间登陆美国NBC电视台Syfy频道,加长版预告片也随之曝光。 同1995年的电影版一样,该剧仍然讲述了男主角被派往过去,阻止12只猴子军研制致命病毒,以挽救日后会因病惨死的大部分人类。在美剧《尼基塔》中饰演电脑高手的亚伦·斯坦福将饰演男主角詹姆斯·科尔,该角色在电影版中由好莱坞著名硬汉布鲁斯·威利斯诠释。科尔从2043年回到2013年,去查明病毒真相,拯救全人类。而在电影中由布拉德·皮特饰演的角色则将“转性”,由女演员艾蜜莉·汉普雪儿接棒。 电视剧版的《12只猴子》将完全区别与电影剧情,“我们不想只做翻拍工作,”该剧制片人Terry Matalas在接受采访时介绍,“故事的主题还是一样的,但故事情节完全不同。”在最新曝光的预告片中,故事情节的悬疑色彩和惊现场面都能唤醒不少影迷的记忆,整体看来或许是Syfy频道播出的质量最好的电视剧了。
/Laurie Lynd
Season five of Murdoch Mysteries opens in unfamiliar territory, as Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) leaves Toronto to try his luck while the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon winds down. Suspended for interfering in an investigation, on the run for surreptitiously freeing a murderer to make amends, and nursing a broken heart after Dr. Ogden's marriage to another man, he tries to escape his past, and his passion for detective work. Back in the city, newly promoted Chief Constable Giles (Nigel Bennett) makes it clear to Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), that he'll be keeping a very close eye on police matters. Meanwhile, Murdoch's beloved former associate, Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy), is now working alongside Acting Detective George Crabtree (Jonny Harris) and Dr. Emily Grace (Georgina Reilly), a feisty young protégé. In the remote north, Murdoch is pleased to discover that his fledgling prospecting career may garner great success, a small comfort after Julia's marriage to another man. But as he tries to rebuild his life, he finds himself drawn into the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant (Jill Halfpenny), an innkeeper charged with murder. The plot thickens when writer Jack London (Aaron Ashmore) lends his insights, and Murdoch soon realizes that while he had hoped to leave his shattered heart and tattered career back in Toronto, his days as a detective are not behind him.
/蒂姆·柯比,Benjamin Caron
Rae is pleased to have the apparently fearless Liam as her best, platonic friend, but is surprised that he wants to keep his group attendance secret. This spells trouble for Rae when Liam's violent girlfriend Amy, said to have been expelled from her last college for assault, threatens her and wants to know why they spend so much time together. She gives her until Friday. Liam refuses to tell Amy the truth but Rae sees he is not so tough when he breaks down and they kiss. Archie is also given the ultimatum by Lois to come out by Friday or else she will expose him. He suggests to Rae they run off together but she dissuades him and is pleased when Finn, anxious to resume a non-sexual friendship, offers to teach her self-defence. Come Friday Archie confesses to being gay to generally positive reactions whilst Amy crumbles when Rae tells her she kissed Liam. Back home Mum explains to Rae that she is converting to Islam as Karim, now a lollipop man, wants their baby born into the religion.
/蒂姆·柯比,Benjamin Caron
16岁的Rae Earl(莎朗·鲁妮 Sharon Rooney 饰)为人风趣,喜欢音乐。基本和普通这个年纪的女孩并没有什么不同。当然,除了,有那么一点胖。因为这一点,她常常给同学叫做“胖妹”,也因为这点,她有时很害怕和外界接触,总是独自呆在家里。有时还会因为 这个原因和独自抚养她长大的妈妈吵架。但这个胖姑娘还是和普通女孩一样,看到帅哥会犯花痴,遇到陌生人会有那么些尴尬。 最重要的问题是,Sharon刚从一个特殊的地方回家——精神病院。但她答应了自己和妈妈一切都会好起来,她要勇敢的对面生活的爱情。究竟这个胖妹会带来一段如何经常的生活日记呢?
/保罗·巴特尔 Paul Bartel
When Cheryl and her roommate quarrel, Cheryl moves into her aunt's skid-row hotel in downtown L.A. rather than return home to Ohio. The lodgers are odd, Aunt Martha is a moralizer obsessed with funerals, murder is afoot, and the inexperienced and trusting Cheryl may be the next victim. She wants to be treated like a woman, and she's drawn to George, a handsome photographer who longs for human contact but sleeps with a water-inflated doll and spies on Cheryl as she bathes. Jeff, a neighborhood clerk, may be Cheryl's only ally in what she doesn't realize is a perilous residence haunted by family secrets. And, what happened to Alice, a model who used to have Cheryl's room?
自殺不成的老婦人,屢次從頂樓一躍而下卻無法如願以償,只好再次跛腳步上公寓頂樓。每經過一層樓,便經過一段光怪陸離。七層樓,七種人生樣貌,詭異至極、毫無邏輯,以黑色幽默之姿一窺當代生活,笑看人性的虛偽及庸俗,笑到最後卻忍不住心底發毛。 匈牙利導演喬治帕爾菲二○○二年初試啼聲,便以處女作《田園風光》一炮而紅。其後的《百年癲狂》更顯瘋狂不羈,在坎城引發熱議。擅於揉合奇想與創意,以魔幻寫實著稱的喬治帕爾菲,新作《公寓瘋光》影像同樣奇幻詭譎,戲劇調度與剪輯美學更貼近夢境囈語。從喜劇、科幻到神話,從歡笑、驚悚到恐懼,在風格迥異的七部短片裡,導演也展現其對不同類型的遊刃有餘。
4岁的波纳特(薇朵儿·希维索 饰)从父亲口中得知自己的母亲发生车祸后不治身亡了,小波纳特难过得哭了起来,而且由于父亲工作的关系,她需要在阿姨家生活。波纳特不肯承认自己的母亲已经离开自己了,她深信上帝会把母亲重新带到她身边,她常常自己一个躲着大伙,继续期盼母亲出现。 就算父亲、阿姨、表弟表妹如何劝慰她,她还是坚持着自己的信念。 上寄宿学校后,同学告诉波纳特上帝是可以帮助她的,而且小波纳特努力要成为上帝的女儿,因为她想要跟上帝说话,跟上帝说把母亲还给她。 小波纳特总是无法开心起来,她日夜想念自己的母亲。小小的她独自来到了母亲的墓前,没想到母亲竟然重新出现在她的面前,母亲温柔的教她要面对自己的生活。纵使她不舍得母亲离去,当父亲来接她的时候,她对父亲说,母亲要我学会快乐……
★ 在狼人家族继承人月圆之夜,却意外变身成一隻超萌贵宾犬,咩噗~ 进而展开一场疯狂逗趣又毛绒绒的奇幻冒险! ★ 外表虽然有点重要...但相信自己的内心才是最强大的力量,才能成为真正的英雄! |导演: 《猫头鹰的守护者》艾利克斯坦德曼 |英语配音: 《军法》伊莱史云戴尔 《弑婚游戏》萨玛拉威明 《欢乐合唱团》珍琳奇 ★故事大纲★ 福来弟即将继位成为狼人家族的领袖,他也相信自己有如父亲一般,会成为史上最威猛的狼人...。 然而,在福来弟14岁生日第一次变身时,他居然变成一隻名副其实的……贵宾犬,让他的美梦破碎。狼人群们更傻了眼,咩噗~族中长老给了他一项任务,在明天月出之前,他需要证明自己够格当狼人,否则他就会因资格不符永远遭到家族放逐。 福来弟在出发之前被表弟表妹恶整染上了粉红色的头髮,看起来更不威了~但他还是鼓起勇气踏上在外出探险之路,却在夜晚大城市的街道失去了方向,一隻流浪狗大姊大贝蒂阴错阳差帮助了他,而他必须在今晚克服粉红色超萌的外表,证明自己是百分之百的狼人。
/Ezel Akay
Leyla and Adam have had a happy marriage for years. However, after a while, their marriage becomes a dead end. The excitement in their marriage is now gone, and Adam falls into a love that causes his heart to beat again. Adem, who falls in love with the woman named Nergis who comes across this period, cannot think of anyone other than Nergis. However, Nergis, who took the mind of Adam, has no intention of moving to another life from the one-man world he founded.
法国第一女主播法兰西强悍娇艳,记者会上向总统犀利提问,转眼又眉来眼去频送秋波;坐镇主持政论节目,以完美妆容力战来宾;亲身前往远方战地“演绎”实况,还不忘忙碌奔波照顾家庭。她原是法国人心头上的一颗硃砂痣,一场肇事车祸却让她成了那抹蚊子血。法兰西发现主播的华美衣袍下其实爬满了蚤子,播报台下的美丽与哀愁谁人能解?当她决定洗尽铅华隐姓埋名,意外的邂逅突然降临,触动心中最柔软的那一块⋯⋯。 怪咖名导布鲁诺杜蒙以“法兰西”为名,直讽国家金玉其外却败絮其中的种种现象。从新闻操弄、难民问题到失能家庭,刻意营造的通俗手法与脸部特写,捕捉主角在虚假之外,无处安放的敏感脆弱。