1995年,反恐特别行动组特维斯中校(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)带队执行一次解救行动,不料却以失败告终……三个月后,军情局顾问戴维(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)接到消息:恐怖组织头目阿布亚法被捕并将被引渡到美国。10天后,一架由雅典飞往华盛顿的747客机被阿布亚法的副手安塔尔劫持,后者要求美国政府释放阿布亚法。戴维受命解决危机,他指出恐怖分子的本意是利用毒气炸弹攻击美国本土,所以坚决不能使飞机入境。同时参会的特维斯提出了大胆的计划:他要率领反恐特别行动组通过空中对接的方式登上被劫持的747客机……
芝加哥又迎来了晴朗的一天,逃学高手菲利斯(马修•布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)自然不会在这天选择枯燥的测验,他伪装病重骗过父母,令同校的姐姐珍妮徒劳嫉妒。菲利斯找来好友凯伦(阿兰•卢克 Alan Ruck 饰),两人联手骗过训导主任罗宁,驾驶凯伦父亲珍藏的法拉利将菲利斯女友思朗接出学校兜风,菲利斯娴熟的电话骗术在凯伦和思朗的配合下将众人戏弄的团团乱转,学生们反而受他的影响颇深,在校内发起给菲利斯谎称的手术捐款。罗宁不堪忍受菲利斯一次次得欺骗,“微服私访”去校外希望能将菲利斯捉个正形,而在城中四处游荡的菲利斯三人则展开了一场隐藏自己身份的冒险……
这是一部典型美国英雄主义的影片。越战期间,许多像文森(安东尼•巴里奥 Anthony Barrile 饰)一样的怀有参战理想或各种不得不参战原因的年轻人来到了空降师,他们虽然同属一支部队,但是由于当时种族歧视盛行,部队里的气氛并不是那么和谐。 这天,空降师接到了一个任务,就是攻占阿士谷937山丘。当文森所在的空降部队降落到指定地点时,他们发现防守的北越军队在这里已经整装待发。于是,一场异常艰巨的拉锯战打响了。北越军人数上占了很多优势,美军伤亡惨重,但为了完成任务,原本互相心存芥蒂的不同人种的美军士兵都抛开了以往一切成见,齐心协力一起往上攻。经过了11次的攻击,他们终于占领了937山丘。因这里已经尸横遍野,所以士兵们称之为“汉堡高地”。
本片不以《圣经》为依据,而是以故事为线索展示心灵内在的信仰冲突。当以色列处于罗马统治下的时候,木匠耶稣(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)为罗马军队制作十字架,他为冥冥中似乎来自上帝的召唤而困扰。耶稣动身探求真相,于路邂逅起义者犹大(Harvey Keitel 饰)和昔日的朋友妓女抹大拉,他们指责耶稣的懦弱,使其坚定了信仰,越来越多的信徒加入了耶稣的队伍,施洗者约翰指点耶稣前往沙漠。耶稣抵御了诱惑,获得更大的力量,他带人围攻耶路撒冷神殿,令犹大去罗马当局告发自己,在十字架上的耶稣得到天使的信息,他走下十字架,过上了平凡的生活,直到多年以后,耶稣发现了事情的真相,重新回到了自己命运中…… 本片根据卡赞察斯基的同名小说改编,自从1983年斯科塞斯第一次筹划将本片搬上银幕,宗教团体的反对声便喧嚣尘上,致使拍片计划一再拖延。
赏金猎人杰克•沃尔什(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)为十万美元决定去纽约搜捕芝加哥黑帮头子吉米•瑟拉诺(丹尼斯•法里纳 Dennis Farina 饰)的会计乔纳森•马杜克斯(查尔斯•格罗丁 Charles Grodin 饰)。乔纳森贪污了吉米一千五百万美元,并将大部分钱捐给了慈善机构。杰克本打算带乔纳森乘飞机于周五午夜前抵达洛杉矶,但乔纳森患有飞行恐惧症,二人只好转乘火车。于此同时,FBI探员阿朗佐•莫斯利(亚菲特•卡托 Yaphet Kotto 饰)、吉米的黑帮手下及吉米的竞争对手,赏金猎人马文(约翰•阿什顿 John Ashton 饰)都在追踪二人。杰克与乔纳森险况横出爆笑风趣的旅程究竟能否顺利完成? 本片获金球奖最佳喜剧/音乐剧提名及最佳男主角提名(罗伯特•德尼罗)。
故事发生在1909年的美国,西丽(乌比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 饰)和南蒂(阿科苏阿·巴西亚 Akosua Busia 饰)是一对情同手足的姐妹,虽然作为黑人女性她们必须面对残酷的现实,但有了彼此的陪伴,尚可苦中作乐,直到西丽被迫嫁给了黑人男子亚伯特(丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover 饰)。亚伯特性格粗暴,对于他来说,西丽比一个女佣好不了多少,动辄拳打脚踢,他真心爱着的是一个远在他乡的叫做夏戈(玛格丽特·艾弗瑞 Margaret Avery 饰)的女演员。南蒂前来陪伴西丽,亚伯特却因强暴她未遂而将她赶出家门,这一别,西丽彻底的失去了南蒂的音讯。 在苦闷的生活中,女人们试图挣扎和抵抗,但最终无一例外的都屈服于歧视和强权之下,夏戈的到来改变了这一切,她独立坚强,从不因为自己女性的身份而有所畏惧,她的乐观给了西丽反抗的勇气,终于,她拿起行李离开了亚伯特,成立了自己的裁缝店,生意红火。而突然有一天,南蒂和自己幸福的家庭再一次出现在了西丽的眼前,出现在了那篇紫色的花海之中。
年轻的马里恩·克兰(珍妮特·利 饰)在Phoenix工作,深受老板洛厄里(沃恩·泰勒 饰)信任。男友萨姆·卢米斯(约翰·加文 饰)在Fairvale经营一家五金店,因要替亡父还债又要支付前妻赡养费而无力再婚,只能借出差的机会偶尔来与马里恩幽会。马里恩对此感到不满,于是在周五下午趁机携四万美元公款驾车潜逃。可是马里恩的潜逃之路并不顺利:先是在出城的时候被洛厄里目击,周六一大早又被警察怀疑。花了七百美元以旧车换新车之后,马里恩继续忐忑地行驶。入夜后,天降大雨,视线模糊,无法行驶,马里恩只得将车泊入路边的贝茨汽车旅馆投宿。老板诺尔曼(安东尼·珀金斯 饰)十分友善,试图邀请马里恩到家里共进晚餐,可惜被凶恶的母亲粗暴阻止,只得将晚餐端至旅馆客厅。马里恩在客厅一边进餐一边与诺尔曼交谈,终于决定周日返回Phoenix。用餐完毕,马里恩回房沐浴。这时,一个老妇的身影突然出现在卫生间……
Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.' By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn't far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards of customers who want their imported French cheese cut to impossibly exact standards. His efforts to remain outwardly polite (while you know he'd like to take the cleaver to the relentless clientele) are pretty funny, and will warm the hearts of clerks everywhere. In general, Broderick is in good form and provides the movie with most of whatever lightness it possesses. Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist, Ellen, is fine enough, too, and her unknowing interaction with our cheese-slicing hero shows some hopeful chemistry, and you may begin to feel you want to see these two get together. One of the main competitors for our lady's affections, a stockbroker (Kevin Anderson), is played as caricature: he's the beer swilling frat-boy whose idea of after-sex sensitivity is flipping on the football game. He's kind of funny at times, but the movie might be stronger if he was written or acted for us to like him more, instead of having us merely recognize him as the flat-out `wrong' guy in comparison to Broderick's sensitive man. Think of John Candy in Splash, taking a cigarette and beer can to the racquetball game; we know his lifestyle is not the one our hero should emulate, but we can't help but be charmed by the likeable goon. Whereas this character is merely a goon, and pretty unlikable all around. While it's a nice enough light movie for the first half, for me the story was somewhat derailed by its unbelievable (Hollywood) presentation of sex and adultery. (SPOILER AHEAD, skip to next paragraph.) When Ellen returns home after an evening's misadventures, she is naturally faced with the questioning husband (Michael Mantell). Quickly admitting her own indiscretion, she then immediately turns the situation around, demanding to know why the guy had gone ahead and bought a house without discussing it. Granted, it's a valid issue, and granted, many people use this countering maneuver in arguments. What's unbelievable is what happens next: the guy starts responding to her question, addressing the house-issue in a quiet, thoughtful manner. WHOA. You'd be hard pressed to find a married person in the world who, when faced with his/her partner's totally unexpected adultery, would be ready to address anything so calmly. The guy would surely be bouncing off the walls, or else crushed into silence and tears - but see, then we might actually feel for the poor schnook, and we'd see Sciorra's character in a poor light. And since that particular audience reaction doesn't serve the romantic comedy, the story tries to sneak around it. You may start to feel that, like the husband, you're being taken. Further dissatisfaction is just around the corner in the ending. We realize this is where misunderstandings will get sorted out, and our couple will finally see a clear path to one another. We want the satisfaction of rooting for them. But it's marred by another unbelievable character reaction, followed by an abrupt conclusion that feels rushed and forced, too easy and unearned. You may feel as though the movie's cheating on you again...
专业摄影师米奇丹尼迷上了超级歌星切尔西,但一直希望抓拍她的计划却屡屡遭挫。当他最终夙愿以偿后,却发现那人并非切尔西本人而只是一个与她容貌相似的“替身”。更蹊跷的是,她与切尔西先后遭谋杀,而且自己竟成了头号嫌疑犯。米奇必须与时间赛跑,查清事实真相以示清白…… Paparazzi photographer Mickey Dane is obsessed with elusive pop singer Chelsea, and his attempts to capture her on film often land him in trouble. He jumps at the chance to photograph a Chelsea look alike, but when Chelsea and her double are found murdered, he becomes the main suspect. Discovering a clue in one of his old photographs, Mickey must race against time to prove his innocence and find out what really happened……
陈惠惠(胡忻 饰)是含着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,父母一手打点好了她的终身大事,这让陈惠惠感到十分愤怒。为了反抗父母之命,陈惠惠选择了离家出走,前往上海,在那里,隐藏着她的爷爷和奶奶之间的一段动人的感情。 途中,陈惠惠结识了名叫陈大宝(陈小春 饰)的青年。陈大宝和朋友阿土(梁志强 饰)共同发明了能增强手机信号的机器,他希望能凭借此发明申请到专利,在上海拼搏出一片属于自己的天空。谁知道,陈惠惠和陈大宝刚一来到上海就双双遭遇了滑铁卢,陈惠惠丢掉了现金和信用卡,陈大宝的发明让他血本无归。走投无路的两人相依为命,准备去投奔陈大宝的朋友小康(周杰 饰)。
所有的老师和校长听到“布兰登学校”的大名之时都会暗自在心中捏一把冷汗,这所学校因为黑恶势力的潜伏和极高的校园犯罪率而在教育界臭名昭著,如今,人生遭遇了全面滑铁卢的约翰(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)即将成为这所学校的新一任校长。 看着校园里此消彼长的歪风邪气,约翰心里充满了愤怒,他制定了严格的规章制度,希望能够以此重振学生和老师们的信心。约翰的决心逐渐的影响了信任他的学生们,然而,校园内的暴力团伙亦开始找起了约翰的麻烦,他们不仅袭击了听从约翰指挥的老师和学生,更对约翰发出了直接的威胁,约翰明白,一场旷日持久的拉锯战即将展开。
/Melanie Aitkenhead
Maggie (Serinda Swan) is a tough and ruthless member of the all-female Dark Moon motorcycle gang led by the merciless Trigga (Pollyanna McIntosh). After Maggie's cousin is attacked and drugged at a party, the gang rides out to take revenge into their own hands. The attackers, led by Keegan (Jake Lockett), don't see the fury coming and a war breaks out with Maggie and Brian (Diego Boneta) caught in the middle as both sides race towards a violent showdown to end it once and for all.
/Martijn Maria Smits