/Michael Engler
Catherine Jamison(Laura Linney饰演)是名高中老师。她有个处于青春期、不太听话的儿子Adam(Gabriel Basso饰演),和人到中年、行事却极不成熟的丈夫Paul(Oliver Platt饰演),还有一个受过高等教育,却摒弃主流生活,甘愿当流浪汉的弟弟Sean(John Benjamin Hickey饰演)。Cathy平时循规蹈矩,日子过得波澜不惊。忽然有一天,她得知自己身患癌症,与死神近在咫尺,从未曾恣意放纵,从未曾随心所欲,生命却即将走向终点;Cathy心有不甘,她决定在生命最后阶段放松一下,做自己真正想做的事,这些事有的看似疯狂,有的看似绝望,有的又充满温情,它们都代表面对死亡时,主人公释放的真实自我。
本剧讲述前黑帮保镖队长在中学担任体育老师的故事,剧中有许多搞笑情节和引人深思的现象。 主人公奥列格·叶夫盖尔维奇·福明(绰号福马)是前黑帮头子玛玛伊的保镖队长,但因为改不掉野蛮暴力的作风和“过时”的工作方式而被开除。福马悲伤而不甘,于是决定通过讨好玛玛伊的孩子萨尼亚回到玛玛伊身边。在老友“疯子”的帮助下,他成功进入萨尼亚所在的中学成为一名体育老师,然而上班第一天毒舌霸道的福马就得罪了萨尼亚、美女教师塔吉亚娜和教导主任。在中学工作的日子里,福马以自己的方式尽力守护着萨尼亚,讨好心仪的塔吉亚娜,帮助办公室的同事们解决难题。福马渐渐展现出了自己心软善良的一面,他的生活中发生了一系列爆笑温馨的故事。
/Dmitry Gubarev
流媒体视频网站Netflix日前预订了多镜头喜剧《农场趣事》(The Ranch),这部喜剧将由《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men)两位编剧唐·里奥(Don Reo)和吉姆·帕特森(Jim Patterson)担任主创,《好汉两个半》主演艾什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)领衔主演。 《农场趣事》将成为Netflix继《欢乐再满屋》(Fuller House)之后的第二部多镜头喜剧,据称Netflix有望直接给出整季订单。一般各大电视网的情景喜剧都是单季22集,每周播出一集,而《农场趣事》则有望突破这一模式。众所周知Netflix开发的几档正剧(如《纸牌屋》)都是一季13集,一次性发布在网站上,《农场趣事》则是单季20集,分两批在网站上播出。 《农场趣事》由里奥和帕特森撰写剧本,故事设定于科罗拉多的一个农场,库彻饰演一位半职业橄榄球选手,结束自己的球员生涯后回到家乡,和自己的哥哥一同管理这个农场。 除了库彻之外,演员丹尼·马斯特森(Danny Masterson)也将出演这部剧集,在剧中饰演库彻的哥哥。马斯特森曾出演《70年代秀》(That ’70s Show),和当年担任《70年代秀》主演的库彻不仅是老搭档,也是多年的好友。
/Don Reo,Jim Patterson
这部多镜头家庭喜剧以当代为背景,讲述了科罗拉多丹佛市区外一个牧场上发生的故事。由阿什顿·库彻、丹尼·马斯特森、山姆·艾里奥特和德博拉·温格担纲主演。故事一开始,柯尔特(库彻饰演)结束了自己短暂而失败的半职业橄榄球员生涯,回到家乡,与阔别 15 载的哥哥“公鸡”詹姆森(马斯特森饰演)和父亲博(艾里奥特饰演)一起经营家族牧场。温格在剧中饰演柯尔特和吉米的母亲玛姬,她在当地经营一间小镇酒吧。本剧主演还包括伊丽沙·库斯伯特(饰演艾比)和同样参演了《70 年代秀》的维尔摩·瓦尔德拉玛(饰演翁贝托)。
这部多镜头家庭喜剧以当代为背景,讲述了科罗拉多丹佛市区外一个牧场上发生的故事。由阿什顿·库彻、丹尼·马斯特森、山姆·艾里奥特和德博拉·温格担纲主演。故事一开始,柯尔特(库彻饰演)结束了自己短暂而失败的半职业橄榄球员生涯,回到家乡,与阔别 15 载的哥哥“公鸡”詹姆森(马斯特森饰演)和父亲博(艾里奥特饰演)一起经营家族牧场。温格在剧中饰演柯尔特和吉米的母亲玛姬,她在当地经营一间小镇酒吧。本剧主演还包括伊丽沙·库斯伯特(饰演艾比)和同样参演了《70 年代秀》的维尔摩·瓦尔德拉玛(饰演翁贝托)。 第三部分接着去年冬天的故事继续展开:柯尔特被迫面对自己与艾比和海瑟之间复杂的三角恋关系;公鸡在搬出牧场后与玛丽之间的关系也稳定了;玛姬和博在离婚后以朋友身份相处。
露丝(Sara Walker 饰)和露希尔(Andrea Burchill 饰)的母亲海伦(Margot Pinvidic 饰)将她们托付给了两人的外祖母之后,选择了自杀身亡。一晃眼七年过去,外祖母也去世了,露丝和露希尔成为了无依无靠的孤儿,还好她们的姨祖母希维尔(克里斯汀·拉蒂 Christine Lahti 饰)收留了两个可怜的孩子,虽然希维尔是一个喜怒无常非常古怪的女人,但是如果没有她,露丝和露希尔就将面临被送进孤儿院的悲惨命运。 露丝和露希尔常常和希维尔之间发生冲突,一天,在又一场激烈的争吵之后,愤怒的露西选择了离家出走,而对希维尔尚且还有一丝期望的露希尔选择了留下。
/Jackie Kong
/Shakti Soundar Rajan
Despite qualifying for armed force, Karthik ('Jayam ' Ravi) prefers to be a traffic cop in Ooty as he believes that such a no risky job would help him get enough time to look after his cute little sister Vidhya (Baby Anikha). Karthik also has a short lived one side love story with Renu (Lakshmi Menon), who is a doctor. When a hazardous chemical in the nearby industry gets leaked, a dog consumes it and turns into a zombie. As the dog bites a watchman, he too becomes a zombie and eventually, the virus spreads rapidly across the town. Can Karthik save his sister and the city ?
Novelist Larry Donner (Billy Crystal) struggles with writer's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret (Kate Mulgrew), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift (Danny DeVito) is a timid, middle-aged man who still lives with his overbearing, abusive mother (Anne Ramsey). Owen fantasizes of killing his mother but can't summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry's community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers conspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry's public rant that he wish his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will respond by killing his mother. He tracks Margaret down to Hawaii and follows her onto a cruise ship, apparently pushing her overboard while she tries to retrieve an earring that fell out. Owen returns from Hawaii to tell Larry of Margaret's death and that Larry now "owes" him the murder of his mother, lest he inform the police Larry was the killer. After having spent the night drinking alone during the hours of Margaret's disappearance, Larry panics because he lacks a sufficient alibi. That, along with a news report announcing the police suspect foul play, convinces Larry he's the prime suspect. He decides to stay with Owen and his mother in an attempt to hide from the police. Larry meets Mrs. Lift, but despite her harsh treatment of him he refuses to kill her. Eventually, when Mrs. Lift drives Owen to the breaking point, Larry finally relents and agrees to go through with the murder. After two unsuccessful attempts, Larry flees the Lift home when Mrs. Lift recognizes him as a suspect from a news broadcast about his ex-wife's disappearance. He boards a train to Mexico and, surprisingly, Owen and Mrs. Lift come along so as to avoid having to lie for him. During the journey, Larry's patience with Mrs. Lift reaches its pinnacle when she impolitely gives him advice on writing. He follows her to the caboose with the intent of throwing her from the train, but stops short when she almost falls off on her own. Owen begins having second thoughts about having his mother killed and comes to help Larry rescue her. Mrs. Lift is grateful at her son for saving her, but unappreciative of Larry's help and kicks him, resulting in him losing his balance, landing on the tracks, and breaking his leg. During his recovery in the hospital, Larry discovers Margaret is still alive; she simply fell overboard by accident and was rescued by a Polynesian fisherman whom she has decided to marry. Much to his annoyance, Larry learns Margaret plans to sell the rights of her ordeal for $1.5 million dollars. On the advice of a fellow patient, Larry chooses to free himself of his obsession with his ex-wife and instead focus on his own life, thereby freeing him of his writer's block. A year later, Larry has finished a novel based on his experiences with Owen and Mrs. Lift entitled Throw Momma from the Train. Owen visits and informs him that his mother has died (of natural causes) and that he's going to New York City for the release of his own book. Unfortunately, Owen reveals his book is also about their experiences together. Thinking his book has been scooped, an enraged Larry proceeds to strangle him, but stops when Owen shows him the book is a children's pop-up book called, Momma, Owen, and Owen's Friend Larry with the story drastically altered to be suitable for children. Months later, Larry, Owen, and Larry's girlfriend Beth (Kim Greist) vacation together in Hawaii, reflecting on the final chapter of Larry's book. Larry and Owen's books have now become best-sellers, making them both successful writers as well as close friends.
/Lisa Feit
This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage, the passengers and their descendants.