/Robert Bierman
在搞笑逗乐方面,还没有哪个吸血鬼能比得过尼古拉斯·凯奇在“吸血鬼之吻”中的表演的。 凯奇扮演的一家出版社的总经理在被吸血鬼光顾并被吸了血后,行为开始变得古里古怪。他的怪癖包括:嗜食信鸽,整晚不睡,戴着墨镜并且冲着秘书大嚷……对纽约这个光怪陆离的大都市来说,他的这些行为在他开始随便和陌生人搭讪后就更没有什么值得奇怪的了。那个吸血鬼还是不断的来吸他的血而他的诸如此类症状也不断地加重直到当他觉得自己的沙发在他眼里变成了一个棺材时,他才意识到不是自己疯了就是他变成了吸血鬼……
UCLA college student Jonathan Moore (Anthony Edwards) is playing a game called "Gotcha" (popular on mid-1980s college campuses as "Assassin" or "Tag"), wherein the players are all assigned a mock "hit" on another player by use of a harmless paintball gun. Moore and his apartment roommate Manolo go on a vacation to Paris, France. After touring some of Paris, in a cafe Moore meets Sasha Banicek (Linda Fiorentino), a Czechoslovakian girl. Eventually, Jonathan has intercourse with Sasha, losing his virginity. Jonathan decides to leave Manolo (who is heading to Spain) and go with Sasha to West Berlin to spend more time with her. Jonathan believes that he is in love with Sasha. There, Jonathan and Sasha continue to have sex and even go to an Oktoberfest beer gathering. One night, Sasha tells Jonathan that she has to go to East Berlin to pick up a package. One night after arriving in East Berlin, Sasha leaves their hotel room and walks to dark street corner. There, Sasha meets a German man who tells her the location of the pickup of her package. Meanwhile, Sasha was being monitored by a Soviet agent, who was sitting in a car at a distance. During the day, Sasha tells Jonathan that if she gives him a certain message, it means that he has to leave East Berlin immediately. At a cafe, Sasha gives Jonathan a package and says that a strudel is inside. A little later, Sasha tells Jonathan to meet her at the butcher shop near their hotel. All of a sudden, a Soviet agent begins to chase after Sasha. Sasha decides to use Jonathan (who is holding her package) to unknowingly get the package over to West Berlin. Meanwhile, Sasha is taken by the Soviet agent and East German secret police. Jonathan goes to Checkpoint Charlie to cross the heavily fortified border into West Berlin. At the East German customs search, Jonathan is stripped of his clothes and given a cavity search. Meanwhile, Sasha is stripped and searched for possible espionage evidence. Vlad arrives at the border crossing to search for Jonathan, however Jonathan passes the border safely before he can be captured. Once in West Berlin, Jonathan feels liberated by the Westernized society. In the hotel, Jonathan receives a message from Sasha to meet him at a specified location. Jonathan finds out that his hotel room was broken into and robbed of his traveler's checks. Soviet agents eventually find Jonathan in West Berlin and chase him throughout a public park. Jonathan jumps into a water canal and manages to escape from the Soviets and stumbles upon a German rock group headed for Hamburg, who offer him a ride to the airport. The rock group successfully get Jonathan to the airport (using full-face makeup to sneak him past a checkpoint) and Jonathan finally arrives in Los Angeles Tom Bradley International Airport and to his apartment. Soon, Vlad and a band of Soviet agents arrive too in Los Angeles. Once home, Jonathan stumbles upon a film canister, which was planted by Sasha. Jonathan visits his parents and tells them what happened in Germany but they cannot believe a word of it and think Jonathan is on drugs. Jonathan decides to call the FBI then the Central Intelligence Agency for help. Jonathan returns to find his apartment broken into and looted. The CIA officer tells Jonathan to give them the photo film canister. At the Los Angeles headquarters of the CIA, Jonathan spots Sasha who looks like she was working there. Jonathan eventually meets up with Sasha. Sasha admits that she is Cheryl Brewster, a CIA agent, originally from Pittsburgh. Out of nowhere, Vlad and his gang begin to chase Jonathan and Cheryl on the UCLA campus. Jonathan eliminates all the Soviets with a tranquilizer gun which he gets from the campus veterinary sciences building. The Soviets are arrested, the CIA agents thank Jonathan for his (indirect) help in obtaining the film, and Sasha tells him she wants to continue their relationship. After they part, Jonathan talks to a pretty student who rebuffs him coldly. As she walks away, he aims the tranquilizer pistol and shoots her in the rear.
At the start of his senior year in high school, Morgan's father has lost his company, so the family moves from Connecticut, where they've been in the yacht club, to an apartment in the San Fernando Valley. Morgan has grown up in the shadow of his high-achieving older brother, and he seems to have a knack for getting into trouble. He also has a stubborn streak, so when he finds himself attracted to Frankie, the girlfriend of the leader of a local gang of youthful thugs, he can't stop himself from pushing her for a relationship. The thug thinks of Frankie as his property and sees the cool, urbane Morgan as dead meat. Is this a struggle to the death?
故事发生在旧金山的郊区,这边厢,杰克(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)尚且沉浸在妻子佩吉(Maria Mayenzet 饰)去世的悲痛之中,那边厢,他就已经成为了警方重点怀疑的对象,因为佩吉出身于富有的家庭,而她的死亡意味着她那令人垂涎的巨额遗产将落入杰克的手中。 为了洗清身上的罪名,杰克雇佣了名叫泰迪(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)的女律师,在相处的过程中,杰克和泰迪之间的关系渐渐开始变得暧昧不明起来,在理智与情感之间,泰迪能否拨开迷雾看清事实?她身边的这个男人,又是否真的如同看上去的那样清白无辜呢?在接近真相的同时,危险也渐渐来到了她的身后。
僵尸侵染的范围持续扩大之余,人类也加紧进行针对性研究。研究员莎拉(Lori Cardille 饰)和直升机驾驶员约翰等人空降到矿道改建的地下研究中心,罗根医生在这里研究僵尸习性,并得到了一些初步成果。负责中心安全与捕捉僵尸的军人们对暗无天日的地下生活早已厌倦,每天面对同袍死去、消息隔绝、研究进展缓慢让他们暴躁易怒,并在长官罗德(Joseph Pilato 饰)带领下公然反抗项目负责人。精神濒临崩溃的士兵米格尔因僵尸啮咬失去一臂,同时军人与研究人员的矛盾全面爆发,罗德凶相毕露,将莎拉等人赶入满布僵尸的坑道,米格尔则将僵尸放入中心,失控的局势中,莎拉等人全力求生…… 本片获1985年加泰罗尼亚国际电影节最佳女演员奖。
人过中年的莎拉•坎贝尔(Virginia Madsen 弗吉尼娅•曼德森 饰)生活幸福美满,丈夫皮特(Martin Donovan 饰)工作努力,三个孩子聪明可爱。然而一场灾难突然降临,他们的儿子迈特(Kyle Gallner 饰)患有癌症。夫妇俩想尽一切办法,只求爱子能逃离死神的魔掌。 在得知康涅狄格州绍辛顿拥有治疗癌症的有效方法时,他们不惜将全家搬到当地。但似乎厄运反而变本加厉。自从搬进这所房子后,迈特和两个弟妹就经常看到恐怖的幻象。随着灵异事件不断发生,莎拉终于了解到,他们所居住的房子曾经是一个停尸房…… 本片根据真实事件改编。
1993年,拥有幸福美满家庭的丽萨·威瑞克(阿比盖尔·斯宾赛 Abigail Spencer 饰)精神饱受折磨,她的家族患有遗传病症,她和姐姐乔希(凯缇·萨克霍夫 Katee Sackhoff 饰)都能看到奇怪的景象,去世母亲的身影时时出现在她面前,声称要告诉她一些事情。为了帮助妻子治疗,丈夫安迪(查德·迈克尔·墨瑞 Chad Michael Murray 饰)在佐治亚的林间买了一间小屋,可是宝贝女儿海蒂(艾米莉·艾林·林德 Emily Alyn Lind 饰)却由此声称能够看到一位名叫高迪的老人。乔希和安迪先后印证了海蒂的说法,但依赖药物的丽萨坚信这都是小女孩的臆想。在此之后,事态朝着不可预知的方向发展…… 本片取材自真实事件。
/Sonny Laguna,Tommy Wiklund
讲述漫画家Edgar在离婚后搬回家与父母同住,在他哥哥以前的房间里发现了一个魔偶,他于是动心想去纪念Toulon谋杀3 0周年的集会上卖掉它。当他和新女友Ashley一起到达后,发现并不是只有他们想卖掉木偶,所有的木偶都活了过来,步步紧逼,向那些少数名族下手。 虽然属于魔偶系列,这部至小帝国却和1968年的《活死人之夜》很类似,在室内如一家小旅馆里展开情节,游客和住户必须群起而攻之。Edgar的独白告诉观众,为什么Toulon要设计这些木偶,他们很小,却极易在最不可能的情况下击垮你。 影片让我们真实面对来自现实世界的恐惧,还构建了一个虚拟架构,让观众能置身在自己幻想的暴力世界里。
故事开始于蒙特娄,也结束于蒙特娄。一名在找寻灵感的作家(拉菲·斯波 Rafe Spall 饰)无意间得知派·帕帖尔(伊尔凡·可汗 Irrfan Khan 饰)的传奇故事。派的父亲(阿迪勒·侯赛因 Adil Hussain 饰)开了一家动物园。因这样特殊的生活环境,少年派(苏拉·沙玛 Suraj Sharma 饰 )对信仰与人的本性自有一套看法。在派17岁那一年,他的父母决定举家移民加拿大以追求更好的生活,而他也必须离开他的初恋情人。在前往加拿大的船上,他们遇见一位残忍成性的法国厨师(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)。当天深夜在茫茫大海中,原本令派感到刺激无比的暴风雨一瞬间就成了吞噬货船的大灾难。派却奇迹般地活了下来,搭着救生船在太平洋上漂流,而且有一名最令人意想不到的同伴——理查德·帕克,一只孟加拉老虎。神奇的冒险旅程就这样意外开始了……