4岁的波纳特(薇朵儿·希维索 饰)从父亲口中得知自己的母亲发生车祸后不治身亡了,小波纳特难过得哭了起来,而且由于父亲工作的关系,她需要在阿姨家生活。波纳特不肯承认自己的母亲已经离开自己了,她深信上帝会把母亲重新带到她身边,她常常自己一个躲着大伙,继续期盼母亲出现。 就算父亲、阿姨、表弟表妹如何劝慰她,她还是坚持着自己的信念。 上寄宿学校后,同学告诉波纳特上帝是可以帮助她的,而且小波纳特努力要成为上帝的女儿,因为她想要跟上帝说话,跟上帝说把母亲还给她。 小波纳特总是无法开心起来,她日夜想念自己的母亲。小小的她独自来到了母亲的墓前,没想到母亲竟然重新出现在她的面前,母亲温柔的教她要面对自己的生活。纵使她不舍得母亲离去,当父亲来接她的时候,她对父亲说,母亲要我学会快乐……
正要赶往伦敦完婚的凯莉(Margaret Lockwood)因雪崩被困在山下的小旅馆里,偶遇摄影记者康德(Michael Redgrave),两个人因小事发生争执,第二天大家各自赶路,却登上了同一列火车。 在车上凯莉与一名老妇人佛洛伊(Dame May Whitty)结伴,彼此照料。然而凯莉因头部被撞,恍惚中沉沉睡去,待她醒来,老妇人不见了。四处寻找佛洛伊,却不见她的踪影,凯莉只好报警。出乎意料的是同车厢的每个人都说没见过什么老妇人,陷入困惑的凯莉再次遇到康德。康德相信凯莉,也感到事有蹊跷,两人渐渐和好,一起展开了调查。
小男孩哈尼在森林中漫步时,发现了他的父亲——哈利的尸体。不同于一般谋杀案,这次因为多人都自认为凶手而令案情更加扑朔迷离。亚伯特船长(埃德蒙•格温 Edmund Gwenn 饰)认为是他在打猎射击时误杀了哈利;村落里的老处女葛雷布礼小姐(麦尔翠德•耐维克 Mildred Natwick 饰)认为是因为她为了保住自己的名声而用一只鞋子打了哈利的头部而造成他的死亡;与哈利感情不睦的妻子珍妮佛(雪莉•麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)则认为是她因为反抗哈利的性爱用装牛奶的罐子敲向他的脑袋而造成了他的死亡。真相最后能否水落石出?
Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he's got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeuse on arrival behind the Iron Curtain, Comrade Simonova, is herself a Czech agent. Just as well she's immediately attracted to 007's unwitting replacement.
/Keola Racela
本片由几个超现实的小故事串联而成。公园里,一个神秘男子塞给一个中产阶级家庭的女孩几张图片,女孩父母对这些帕特农神庙、凯旋门等古建筑的图片大惊失色。丈夫晚上被幻觉困扰求助医生,恰巧女护士请假离去,在回家的路上,女护士偶遇受虐狂帽商、赌博的神父等人。一位教授搭护士的车来到警局授课,却总被打断,他最后讲了一段赴宴的经历,几个朋友在马桶上闲聊,而吃饭却在厕所一样的单间里。一名罹患癌症的男人被告知女儿失踪,虽然女儿就在身边,但一群人仍然四处寻找。一名枪手在高层建筑里随意射杀路人,被判处死刑,但看起来却像是当庭释放。警察局长接到了死去的妹妹电话,他前往墓地查看,却发现自己的位置已经被别人代替…… 本片获1975年意大利电影新闻记者协会银兔奖。
当一个人问另一个人“敢不敢”的时候,另一个人必须说“敢”,这就是游戏的规则。小男孩于连和小女孩苏菲的相遇即开始于这样一场孩童的闹剧,一个精美的铁盒子就是他们游戏的见证。说脏话,扰乱课堂,在校长室小便,内衣外穿……一个游戏两人一玩十多年,他们什么都敢,除了承认彼此相爱。 苏菲(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)提议两人分别四年,挑战的内容是于连(吉约姆·卡内 Guillaume Canet 饰)敢不敢伤害苏菲。恍惚四年逝去,于连找到苏菲,为了游戏的进行他决定另娶她人,邀请苏菲做伴娘。受到伤害的苏菲在于连的婚礼上抛出铁盒子“你敢悔婚么?”原本最最亲密的朋友相互伤害最深。同样心痛的两个人相约再次分别十年。 十年里,于连拥有了一切,家庭、事业、朋友,只是没了苏菲宛如没了心,原来丧失激情的生活这般索然无味。 终于十年过去,“Love me, if you dare...”
《直到世界末日》讲述了两个年轻人意外地在世界的最后13天里生活在一起的故事。阿特是一个非常有吸引力的商科学生;不幸的是,一场事故使他失去了记忆。正因为如此,阿特依靠高尔夫帮助他导航,为世界末日做准备。作为一名医学生,高尔夫有着紧张的家庭和人际关系史问题。格斯,他唯一的兄弟也在监狱里,他已经没有人了。在阿特出事的时候,政府宣布将人们疏散到地堡,因为世界很快就要结束了。参与事件的高尔夫决定不去掩体,而是去帮助阿特。他们在外面的余生充满了混乱。他们都被龙和笑话追着跑,他们的目的是在世界末日之前尽可能多地杀人。高尔夫从来没有感受过什么是来自另一个人的深爱。他什么也不想要,只想在死前找到爱,趁他还有机会,阿特想回到他的家乡。他们的关系得到了改善,他们似乎知道他们都“恋爱了”。高尔夫和艺术需要在彼此混乱的感情中导航。因为他们都知道自己会死。 “Till The World Ends” is a story of two young men as they find themselves accidentally living together throughout the last 13 days of the world. Art a very attractive business student; unfortunately an accident caused him to lose his memories. Due to that, Art relies on Golf to help him navigate and prepare for the end of the world. Golf, a medical student, has a stressful history of family and relationship problems. Gus, his only brother also in jail, he has no one left. At the time Art has an accident, the government announces the evacuation of people to the bunker because the world will end soon. Golf, who was involved in the incident decided not to go to the bunker but to help Art instead. The rest of their lives outside were full of chaos. They both being chased by Long and Joke who had purpose to kill people as many as he can before the world ends. Golf has never felt what is a deep love from another person. He wanted nothing more, just to find love while he still has chance before he dies, Art wanted to go back to his hometown. Their relationship was improved and they seemed to know that they both are “in love”. Golf and Art need to navigate their confusing feelings for each other. Because they both know exactly that they are going to die.
/Michelle Johnston
Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but she has even bigger problems. Treated like a servant by her vain stepmother and self-involved stepsisters, Kat is forced into a demoralizing job as a singing elf at billionaire Terrence Wintergardenâ€TMs Santa Land. But there is one bright spot to the job: Nick, the handsome new Santa at the tree lot. When Kat gets invited to the prestigious Wintergarden Christmas Gala, her stepfamily is determined to prevent her from attending and snag their own invitation. Could an attentive dog, a loyal BFF and a sprinkling of holiday magic help turn things around for Kat? Join Laura Marano (Disneyâ€TMs Austin & Ally), Gregg Sulkin (Marvelâ€TMs Runaways) and Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time) in this modern-day reimagining of the cherished classic, featuring original music and holiday favorites.
/Monty Whitebloom,Andy Delaney
A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a local, accidental hero, our heroine has to grow up, but falls in love and eventually takes hold of her future - despite not being able to see what's right in front of her.