《幻灭》是一部由马特·格罗宁带来的成人奇幻动画喜剧剧集,全部 10 集已于 2018 年 8 月 17 日在 Netflix 上线。《幻灭》将带观众前往分崩离析的中世纪王国“梦之国”,跟随贪杯的年轻公主豆豆、顽皮活跃的精灵伙伴艾福和她的恶魔卢奇展开一段惊险之旅。一路上,奇怪三人组将遇见食人魔、精灵、女妖、小魔鬼、巨怪、海象和许多愚蠢人类。 本剧集的配音演员包括艾比·雅各布森(“豆豆”)、埃里克·安德烈(“卢奇”)和纳特·法克森(“艾福”),以及约翰·迪玛吉欧、比利·维斯特、莫里斯·拉马奇、崔丝·麦妮利、大卫·赫尔曼、马特·贝里、珍妮·巴滕、瑞奇·富尔切尔、诺尔·费丁和露西·蒙哥马利。
/Monty Whitebloom,Andy Delaney
A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a local, accidental hero, our heroine has to grow up, but falls in love and eventually takes hold of her future - despite not being able to see what's right in front of her.
号称世界上最危险的城市——巴西里约热内卢,警匪枪战时有发生。恶徒肆意横行,死亡如同家常便饭,甚至警匪沆瀣一气,危害城市。但就在这个混乱所在,却有一支刚正严明的部队横空出世。特别警察军事行动部队(Special Police Operation Battalion)凭借其果敢凶狠的办案作风而令匪徒闻风丧胆。 时1997年,教皇即将来此视察,高层要求纳斯西蒙(Wagner Moura 饰)所率领的这支精英部队在最短时间内肃清贫民窟内的毒品链。厌倦刀光血影的纳斯西蒙将心思放在了妻子和尚未出世的婴儿身上,他将任务交给了两个热血且充满理想的年青人——内图(Caio Junqueira 饰)和马提阿斯(André Ramiro 饰)。他们俩都不满警察队伍的腐败,决心在精英部队中大展身手…… 本片荣获2008年柏林国际电影节金熊奖。
/Leonid Gaidai
The presidents of two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, are expected to meet for important negotiations. However, the meeting in jeopardy due to raging of the Russian Mafia, settled in America. Mafioso Rabinovich even interfere with the conversation of top secret hotline between the presidents. So begins a comedy, in which KGB agent Fyodor Sokolov and CIA agent Mary Star expose the Artist, a head of the Mafia, feigning of various Soviet leaders.
1815年6月18日早晨,惠灵顿公爵所指挥的部队,聚集在比利时一个名为滑铁卢的小镇营地里。连绵不断的降雨带来了痛苦、潮湿和寒冷给士兵。但是这些士兵将会感谢这场从前夜就开始下的大雨,因为这场夏日暴雨不仅挽救了很多人的生命,同时,也即将改写了整个欧洲的历史,就是在这儿──滑铁卢战场。 滑铁卢这场战役,是以拿破仑为首的法国军队独力抵抗以奥地利、普鲁士、俄国、英国为首的联盟国。拿破仑是个自信而又轻视敌人的人。他从未和惠灵顿交锋过,他相信惠灵顿不会在滑铁卢进行顽强抵抗。他期望一次进攻就能将惠灵顿赶下山脊,逼他後退。因此他根本没有料到会有一场大规模的战斗。 战事一开始,法国好不容易才击败英国的先锋,但是法军的实力已被削弱了大半。当联军越接近法军,法军的士气越下降,军队也发生了骚动。不久,法军被彻底击败,这场战役只是打了一整日便结束。 滑铁卢战役很特殊,因爲它是极少数单凭一场战斗就蠃得决定性胜利的战役。在这之後,几乎没有单凭一场战斗就能决定整个战争结局的战役,但这场战役做到了。滑铁卢战役的胜利使惠灵顿公爵成爲英雄,受到人民的热烈欢迎。而拿破仑的命运则是无比凄凉,他被流放在大西洋圣赫伦岛。在那里,拿破仑度过了他的馀生,昔日那位骄傲的皇帝,亦慢慢的消失在这个废墟中。
/Travis Taute
Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.
亨利(伊利亚·奈舒勒 Ilya Naishuller 饰)在某场事故中失去了记忆,连自己的名字都不记得了,他只知道眼前的这个美丽的女人艾斯戴尔(海莉·贝内特 Haley Bennett 饰)是自己的妻子。然而很快,艾斯戴尔就被一个名叫阿康(丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基 Danila Kozlovskiy 饰)的男人给绑架了。 阿康是一个野心勃勃的邪恶的男人,他拥有自己的军队和军火库,人生的目标就是统治世界。在全无记忆的状态下,亨利必须在时限内奋力营救自己的妻子,想要置他于死地的人貌似很多,可亨利也不知道他们究竟是为了什么。亨利可以相信的,只有一个叫做吉米(沙尔托·科普雷 Sharlto Copley 饰)的男人,但是这个神秘的男人真的可以信赖吗?
丹泽尔·华盛顿、克里夫·欧文、朱迪·福斯特主演,斯派克·李执导的2006年罪案惊悚片《局内人》将拍续集,最新定下由Aml Ameen(《超感猎杀》)主演。 《局内人2》的剧情简介更像是第一部的翻拍:讲述美国联储局被一帮厉害又聪明的贼给抢了,并挟持多人作为人质,一名纽约警方的谈判专家(Ameen饰演)和一个联邦特工联手去破解劫案、拯救人质。而《局内人》重点是展现警和匪的智力抗衡、劫匪的盗亦有道等。 续集由MJ Bassett(《权欲》、《铁拳》、剧版《鬼玩人》)执导,环球家庭娱乐旗下的Universal 1440制作,将在Netflix和别的多家数字平台上线。
/乔治·塞拉菲尼,Giorgio Bruno
Goro, a criminal mastermind, plot to steal a massive cache of gold from the Rossini family. Unbeknownst to Goro and his soldiers of fortune, one of Rossini's guest is a highly m.ysgou.cc trained foreign operative who fights to not only save the hostages and the gold, but his imperiled family.