In the four-part series, a fire tears through a holiday home in a scenic Lancashire lake town. Detective Ember Manning must work out how it connects to a podcast journalist investigating a missing persons cold case and an illicit ‘love’ triangle between a man in his twenties and two underage girls. But as Ember gets close to the truth, it threatens to destroy her life – forcing her to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about her past, present and the town she’s always called home. As much a coming-of-age story as a detective thriller, The Jetty asks big questions about sexual morality, identity and memory, in the places that Me Too has left behind.
不知道还有谁记得,2006年NBC推出的那部《日落大道60号演播室》,尽管评论界一片叫好之声,可是观众对里面那些念念叨叨、自以为是、鬼都听不懂的台词不买账,于是,这个片子被砍了。与《日落》同时推出的还有另一部以演播室为题材的半小时喜剧《30 Rock》,NBC的意思估计是想高低搭配,可不想无心插柳柳成荫,大餐《日落》竟然当真日落,作为配菜出场的《30 Rock》则非常之Rock,07年10月份的艾美奖颁奖典礼上,《30 Rock》以非常黑马的姿态斩获最佳喜剧奖,力压《明星伙伴》、《办公室》、《两个半男人》、《丑女贝蒂》,前途灿烂。 片名30 Rock,是NBC总部洛克菲勒中心的简称。本片虚构了一个NBC的节目The Girlie Show,讲述的就是这个节目制作团队,台前幕后的种种趣事。《30 Rock》阵容极其强大,同NBC电视台的王牌喜剧节目《周末夜现场Saturday Night Live》一个制作班底,周末夜现场的首席编剧蒂娜.菲(Tina Fey)倾情加盟,不但是本片的制作人、编剧,同时还扮演女主角!另有老帅哥亚历克.鲍德温(Alec Baldwin),黑人明星崔西.摩根(Tracy.Morgan)。本片在纽约实景拍摄,没有外星人吸血鬼,也没有飞车追逐大爆炸,有的只是浅显易懂的对白,阳光灿烂,轻松愉悦,绝不会浪费你的半小时时间。 本片获得今年艾美奖最佳喜剧剧集奖等多项大奖。
/Don Scardino,Gail Mancuso
片名《30 Rock》,是NBC总部洛克菲勒中心的简称。本片虚构了一个NBC的节目The Girlie Show,讲述的就是这个节目制作团队,台前幕后的种种趣事。《30 Rock》阵容极其强大,同NBC电视台的王牌喜剧节目《周末夜现场》一个制作班底,周末夜现场的首席编剧Tina Fey倾情加盟,不但是本片的制作人、编剧,同时还扮演女主角。另有老帅哥Alec Baldwin,黑人明星Tracy Morgan。本片在纽约实景拍摄,没有外星人吸血鬼,也没有飞车追逐大爆炸,有的只是浅显易懂的对白,阳光灿烂,轻松愉悦,绝不会浪费你的半小时时间。
Determined to help Liz keep a man for once, Jack meddles in her burgeoning relationship with Carol. At home, he also struggles to compromise with Avery as she redecorates his apartment. Meanwhile, Tracy Jordan has trouble coming to grips with Kenneth's termination as a page and Jenna becomes TGS' newest producer.
The sixth season of 30 Rock, an American television comedy series on the NBC network in the United States, began airing on January www. 5233tv.com Rock was renewed for a sixth season by NBC on November 15, 2010.[4] The season began airing mid-season to accommodate Tina Fey's pregnancy. On November 14, 2011, NBC announced that 30 Rock would return at the new time of 8:00 pm. This season was initially expected to be Alec Baldwin's last, as he had announced he would be looking to expand into other forms of media.[7] However, in January 2012, Baldwin confirmed that he would remain for the seventh and final season of 30 Rock.[8] Season six received positive reviews and 13 Emmy Award nominations.
/蒂娜·菲,Jeff Richmond
《我为喜剧狂》于2006年10月11日在美国全国广播公司首播,推出后陆续赢得艾美奖、金球奖等众多奖项。 Liz Lemon(蒂娜·菲 Tina Fey 饰)是当红喜剧秀《The Girlie Show》的首席编剧,可谓如沐春风,前途坦荡。可是旧BOSS因病去世,新上任的Jake(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)是个挑剔的主。刚上任就整出不少事,而节目中的明星演员也带来一堆麻烦。一时间,Liz的问题接踪而至。第一,为了可以保住自己的饭碗;第二,为了保持节目一贯良好的收视率;第三,为了自己能在压力下保持清醒,Liz必须学会克服各种问题,把困难迎刃而解。Liz一帆风顺的生活就这样被打破了,为了让一切都走上正轨,她必须找到一条正确的路......
“Me” follows a 12-year-old kid named Ben who is in the throes of middle school (complete with bullies, crushes and school dances!) as he adjusts to a newly blended family AND the realization that he has super powers. Throughout the 10-episode season, Ben goes on a journey of self-discovery and learns what having super powers truly means. He finds an ally in his stepsister, Max, who helps him harness these powers and uncover the secrets behind the mysteries and tragedies of his community … all while he tries to come to terms with what it means to be Ben.
This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But smart and single minded Pip Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure and she’s determined to prove it. And if Sal Singh isn’t a murderer and the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth?
故事设定在“猿流感”病毒蔓延全球的背景下,人类几近毁灭,而进化为高级智慧生物的猿类一跃成为食物链顶端的王者。时移世异,暴虐的猿类首领赛撒(凯文·杜兰 Kevin Durand 饰)在一片废墟中建立起猿族历史上的第一个帝国——“猩球”崛起,这是世界新秩序诞生的黎明时分。神秘的人类女孩诺娃(弗蕾娅·艾伦 Freya Allan 饰)的出现,引起了赛撒的警觉。她似乎掌握着一个巨大的秘密,不仅关乎人类的存亡,甚至可能再度颠覆整个“猩球”。被迫逃亡的诺娃在躲避赛撒军队的过程中,与青年猿类诺亚(欧文·泰格 Owen Teague 饰)的命运交汇,揭开了一段冒险的旅程。
This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But smart and single minded Pip Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure and she’s determined to prove it. And if Sal Singh isn’t a murderer and the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth?