The adventure begins when Lucas a 13 year old boy embarks on the vacation of a lifetime. When disaster strikes| Lucas finds himself stranded in a strange land littered with ghost ships and prehistoric creatures. While searching for other signs of life| Lucas hears a radio broadcast in the distance and is drawn into the jungle where he encounters a beautiful young girl who claims to have come from the 1950s. Together they set out on a quest to get home all the while uncovering secrets that will forever change the future.
拉夫利(萨尔曼·汗 Salman Khan 饰)的父亲是一名保镖,在一场意外中不幸身亡。萨勒塔吉救下了拉夫利的母亲,因此才有了拉夫利。长大之后,拉夫利继承了父亲的职业亦成为了保镖,一次任务中,拉夫利要保护的是萨勒塔吉的女儿迪维亚(卡琳娜·卡普 Kareena Kapoor 饰)。 因为迪维亚父亲的关系,拉夫利对这次任务十分的上心,鞍前马后对迪维亚寸步不离,这让迪维亚感到十分烦恼,因此心生一计。迪维亚假冒“查雅”给拉夫利打去了匿名电话,一来二去之中,拉夫利深深的爱上了这个其实并不存在的女人,但与此同时,迪维亚亦被拉夫利的正直所吸引,坠入了爱河。这段建立在谎言之上的感情能否开花结果呢?
/Dan Castle
维克多(瑞沙德•斯垂克 Reshad Strik 饰)曾是一名优秀的冲浪运动员,却在职业的最巅峰因为膝盖受伤而不得不告别了赛场。他将自己对冲浪运动未尽的愿望全部都寄托在了弟弟杰西(拉奇兰•布坎南 Lachlan Buchanan 饰)的身上,这种强烈的期望常常让杰西感到痛苦不堪。福格斯(沙维尔•塞缪尔 Xavier Samuel 饰)是家中最小的一个,虽然他对冲浪也有着强烈的热情,但这种热情却总是被哥哥们忽视。 一场意外中,维克多和杰西之间冻结多年的坚冰终于得到了化解。而福格斯也遇到了名为安迪(柯克•詹金斯 Kirk Jenkins 饰)的男孩,安迪所散发出来的雄性荷尔蒙深深的令福格斯感到着迷,而他的出轨却让维克多十分的痛苦。
/Damon Santostefano
万人迷乔伊·帕克在完成第四次世界巡回演唱会之后重返家乡比佛利山,他决定要回到学校读完高中,而且他将和唱片公司发起一场大规模的舞蹈比赛,这一消息让比佛利山的姑娘们兴奋不已。在一次化妆舞会上,一个舞技超众的神秘女孩凭借自己的舞蹈天赋令乔伊“一舞倾心”,可是她却在午夜12点的时候勿忙离去,只留下了一个音乐播放器。在乔伊设法寻找女孩的过程中,无数的冒名者趋之若鹜,而当真正的主角玛瑞(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)鼓起勇气走到乔伊面前时却被乔伊当成了冒名前来的女生…… 本片女一号赛琳娜·戈麦斯生于1992年,10岁时被迪斯尼全球才艺计划发掘。
/Randall Miller
吉姆(比尔·普尔曼 Bill Pullman 饰)和阿博(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)是性格迥异的父子两,尽管生活中两人常常因为意见不合而大动干戈,但也因此碰撞出了许多智慧的火花。吉姆和阿博想要酿造一种名为“莎当妮”的葡萄酒,以此同法国南部的酿造者们抗衡。 史蒂芬(阿伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)是一名酒商,为了挽救自己岌岌可危的酒庄,他四处游历,寻访美酒。史蒂芬发现了阿博酿造的莎当妮,决心将它“收入麾下”,然而他傲慢的态度却惹恼了吉姆。背着父亲,阿博将两支莎当妮送往了史蒂芬的品酒会,与此同时,吉姆震惊的发现自己酿的就竟然变色了,这也就意味着,他现在所拥有的一切,不过是一坛坛一文不值的酸水,绝望之中吉姆决定将这些酒全部销毁。
年过六旬的David(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)是本地颇有声望的文化评论员,在电视节目上的谈笑风生让他魅力无穷。同时身为大学教授的他在课堂作业评分前从不与女学生乱搞以免被控性骚扰。David对感情自命不羁,现今生活的密友是20年前的女学生。不过自从他遇见24岁的Consuela(佩内洛普·克鲁兹 Penélope Cruz 饰)后情况发生了改变。他热爱她的青春与肉体所象征的意义,她就像画里完美的身体一样。但是他不敢相信他能永远拥有她,他认为总有更年轻更优秀的男子把她带走。于是Consuela每次邀请他见她的亲人和朋友时David总是拒绝,拒绝进入她的生活。当Consuela表示十分希望他出席她的毕业礼,David答应了,但最后一刻的却步让Consuela伤心欲绝。她一走两年。两年内David面对了密友的伤心、老友的离世,当Consuela再度出现在他生命里时,却带来一个更出乎意料的消息。 改编自菲利普・罗斯(美)的小说《垂死的肉身》。
老实巴交的小伙子斯莱文(乔什•哈奈特 Josh Hartnett 饰)带着好朋友尼克对他的承诺来到了世界金融中心纽约讨生活。尼克曾承诺只要斯莱文来纽约闯天下,他将提供一切的帮助。然而,当斯莱文按照尼克提供的地址找到尼克住所时,却发现尼克已经不知所踪。身无分文又无家可归的 斯莱文只好暂时住在尼克的空房子里。大麻烦降临到斯莱文的头上!原来纽约的两伙黑帮都在竭力寻找尼克,原因尼克知道一次“黑吃黑”事件的真相。这下他们都把住在尼克家的斯莱文当成了尼克! 一时,斯莱文百口莫辨,陷入了黑帮混战中。最后,“幸运”的斯莱文能否化险为夷?
/Marco Polo Constandse
丹妮拉是一个无忧无虑的女孩,从她很小的时候起,她就暗恋她最好的朋友,虽然,他们总是在一起玩,两个家庭的关系也很好,但是她始终没有勇气跟他表白,他也不曾知晓她的心思。 有一次来了一个难得的机会,丹妮拉终于可以成为她心上人的“女朋友”。她心上人的爸爸过生日,她心上人让她冒充他的女朋友出席这次的生日聚会,因为他的家人们之前总是因为他没有一个像样的女朋友而取笑他,而这次有了丹妮拉,他的家人就不会再笑话他,但是这真的可以蒙混过关吗?当然不会,他的家人们很快就发现了端倪,发现他们并不是真正的男女朋友。 安娜宝拉,一个梦想着结婚、期待着自己可以有一个完美婚礼并且可以和自己心目中的完美丈夫过着幸福美满生活的女孩儿,但现实往往是残酷、事与愿违的。在现实生活中,她的未婚夫并没有她梦想中的那么完美,他在与宝拉的这段感情里,对宝拉有着不忠的行为,他在宝拉毫不知情的情况下,与宝拉的表妹搞在了一起。宝拉有一次无意间知道了真相,知道了未婚夫对她的不忠行为,宝拉一个人开车到了酒吧去喝酒,想借酒消愁,喝得酩酊大醉的她头脑一热开着车出了城,她把车开到了一片丛林,在那儿她无意间发现了艾瑞克,他是一个简单朴素的男人,经常以一个医生的身份去到当地各个殖民地地区去问诊,为他们看病、治病。这一切让宝拉意识到生活不一定永远是一帆风顺的,简简单单的生活才是最重要的。但她确信即将开始的婚姻生活将会是充满挑战的,因为她未婚夫对她的不忠诚,因为理想与现实的差距之大...... 最后,真爱的力量使相爱的人美满地生活在一起,姐姐和妹妹也不再纠结自己不幸的姻缘,各自找到了生命中的真爱。
/Daniel Duran
Josh is a lost soul with an extraordinary musical talent set on a journey to encounter what he was least expecting but undoubtedly needed most. Feeling like it's him against the world at first, his path is crossed by many people looking for their own fate, that in the end, his presence in their lives turns out to be of extraordinary importance.
本片根据波兰著名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。 Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare Szeregi'' (Gray Ranks) during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw and the liberation of one of its members (imprisoned and tortured by the Germans) through a maverick military action in board daylight right under the enemy's nose known ''Action at the Arsenal'' which was the biggest single feat of the sort undertaken by a youth resistance organisation in all of occupied Europe during WWII.
本片起用大量素人演员,故事剧情建构在片中演出者的真实人生上,但写实之外,导演更点入了许多神奇超现实的荒诞色彩,夜晚现身的俄罗斯蓝眼猫,缓缓升空的火箭,包含诸多暗示和寓意,搭配壮丽湖泊及美如人间天堂的村景,使得电影中处处充满诗意和平静,被喻为该年度威尼斯影展最大惊喜。 俄罗斯北部一座与世隔绝的岛上,一名驾驶着快艇穿梭于湖中的邮差,便是村民与外界联系的唯一办法。尽管湖的对岸就是文明世界,村子裡的人们仍维持这最简单纯朴的自给自足生活,村里没有政府机构,也没有社会救助和就业需求,邮差成了他们和外面世界沟通的唯一桥梁。每天邮差送信到每一户人家,和不同村民聊这不同的闲话,他关心独居的酒鬼老人,更暗恋着这里的寡妇艾瑞娜,经常照顾她的儿子。然而,艾瑞娜却选择带着儿子到城市工作,而快艇的马达也被人偷了,无法正常工作,他生活的存在和意义被打乱… 影片导演荣获第71届威尼斯电影节最佳导演殊荣。
/Gnana Rajasekaran
'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran and with an international cast and crew, 'Ramanujan' is a cross-border venture. Considered one of the most romantic stories in the history of mathematics, Ramanujan, a college dropout from a poor family in South India, made extraordinary mathematical discoveries in isolation. He wrote a strange letter filled with theorems and formulas to Prof. Hardy of Trinity College, Cambridge, who immediately identified his genius and invited him to England to conduct further research. 'Ramanujan' chronicles the genius' journey across continents and cultures in search of recognition.
We are in East Berlin, 1978. It’s summer, three years after Wassilly’s death. Nelly’s boyfriend and Alexei’s father died in a car accident in Russia. Since he is dead, Nelly wants to leave too. Away from the GDR, to leave the grief and the memories behind. To get a fresh start. That should be possible in the West, or so Nelly believes.
/Dan Stone
At the Edge of the World chronicles the controversial Sea Shepherd Antarctic Campaign against a Japanese whaling fleet. The international volunteer crew, under-trained and under-equipped, develop a combination of bizarre and brilliant tactics with which to stop the whalers. But first they must find the Japanese ships, a far more difficult challenge than ever imagined - long-time activist Paul Watson and first-time captain Alex Cornelissen employ an array of strategies in the hopes of finding an elusive adversary in the vast expanse of the Ross Sea. With one ship (the Farley Mowat) too slow to chase down the whaling fleet, with their second ship (the Robert Hunter) unsuited for Antarctic ice conditions and with no country supporting their efforts to enforce international law, the situation becomes increasingly desperate. Against all odds, however, a real-life pirate tale unfolds - a modern-day "David vs. Goliath" adventure. Written by Dan Stone
/Jonathan Geva
Adam's older brother was killed in a car crash a year ago. His family has not been the same since. As his parents struggle to cope with their grief, Adam (10), plagued with guilt over his brother's death feels he is all alone in the world. But everything changes the day he meets Abulele. The Abulele are ancient monsters, bear-sized. Local legends tell that they are extremely dangerous, but in fact, they turn out to be quite friendly and playful creatures. Abulele quickly becomes Adam's best and most secret friend. Together, they outsmart Adam's mean schoolteacher and beat the class bullies. But Adam's parents start to suspect he is harboring a secret, And when a government, Special Forces unit called "Thunder" appears in the neighborhood on a mission to capture Abulele things go from bad to worse. In order to save his best friend, Adam will have to get Abulele back home to its family, and to do so, he will need to put the past behind him and realize that when you truly love someone, ...
/Butch Lukic
暗夜下的高谭市,迎来新一年的万圣节。偏偏就在这样一个宁静的夜晚,银嗓女妖(Kari Wuhrer 配音)救出所罗门格兰迪,在闹市区繁华街道引发混乱,危机时刻蝙蝠侠(Roger Craig Smith 配音)、绿箭侠(Chris Diamantopoulos 配音)等正义战士出现,暂时化解危机。在此之后,稻草人、泥面人随同前面两个恶棍接连登场,而他们的幕后指使正是诡计多端、邪恶狡猾的小丑(Troy Baker 饰)。此时此刻,小丑正策划邪恶的阴谋,他试图在高谭市传播一种能令人狂笑的电脑病毒,足以使这座城市陷入前所未有的混乱。 蝙蝠侠、绿箭侠以及生化人(Khary Payton 配音)、夜翼(Will Friedle 配音)还有红罗宾(Yuri Lowenthal 配音)出动迎战……
/Jason Wright
After the accident, Rebecca discovers herself in a very different world than she remembers. Plagued by her patchy memory and self-doubt she fends for herself. She encounters Gary who tells her a terrifying story of his escape from the local jail. Can Rebecca trust Gary? Can she cope with what she learns? Can she survive in the world of the 'Infected'. Infected is a short horror film.