Somewhere in Berlin. But not just any time, this is here and now. A postman delivers a parcel and, soon afterwards, everything changes. A terrorist attack rocks a family to the core. Maxi – who loses her mother, her brothers and her home – tries to look forward, but is still deeply insecure. Nothing seems to work. Her father Alex is as traumatised as she is. The certainties of the past have been wiped out and the grief that comes with their loss obscures everything. Meeting another young person seems to help Maxi. Karl liberates her from her paralysis and urges her to conquer her fear. He has organised a meeting of European students who are looking for solutions to the catastrophic situation on the continent. The task he assigns Maxi could be the deciding factor in the success of a grand plan. By joining forces with Karl, Maxi is dancing on a knife edge: today in Berlin, tomorrow in Prague, soon in Strasbourg and eventually all over Europe. Je suis Karl – a political takeover.
苏联解体后那个“疯狂的九十年代”,在俄罗斯北方一座工业城市。主人公伊万是一名雅库特人(少数族裔),因为20多年前那场不光彩的茹侵阿富汗战争留下了脑震荡,现在是一家锅炉房里的工人。一位当地的黑道大佬是伊万从前的战友,常常利用锅炉房来毁尸灭迹,“没关系,他们都是一些坏人”,如此,他安慰伊万说。但直到有一天,当Skryabin的女儿因抢走了这位朋友女儿的男友而被送进锅炉时,伊万才开始醒悟。战争并没有结束。 影片是一部极端残酷的暴力现实主义作品,可谓延续了阿历克塞·巴拉巴诺夫一贯大胆黑色的风格。他执导的《兄弟》、《畸零与色情》等片让主流媒体难以接受,克里姆林宫最喜欢的导演Nikita Mikhalkov(《毒太阳》)也曾出面攻击称《兄弟》的主人公“充满破坏欲”,“荼毒青少年的思想”。不过在2010年底俄国影评人们颁出的“白象”奖中,《火炉工》摘得了最佳影片、最佳导演在内四项大奖,成为最大赢家。
男人如海,远飏漂浪;女人是树,荫蔽家园。这是一则反溯家族记忆的私密创作,从最初两人的深情往复书简,顺此而成的生命诞造,以及其后伴怀自然、温柔照料的哺育子女。在女人温柔如巨树分枝的照料之下,孩子如鸟,学习飞翔,体会那苍穹万物。但在巨树倒下的一刻,雏鸟被迫变形成长,从此在漫长失亲的岁月里,想念至亲、凭悼失落的自己。 以印象派画风为骨干,佐以16mm 胶卷的有机颗粒影像,新锐导演瓦斯康丝勒借着家族物件、亲录原声,与戏剧式的重建演出,爬梳家族父执辈几尽失落的记忆。她邀请家人亲身参与演出,对应不同人声的旁白,以音划分离营造出想像空间,让全片在深刻幽微的生命沉思下,拥有轻盈的流动感,组成一出构图如画、探讨永恒的喧嚣疗愈之作。
/Adrian Seymour
BBC Wales’ new landmark natural history series Wales: Land Of The Wild showcases Wales’ spectacular wildlife as you’ve never seen it before. It’s an intimate look into animals’ relationships with each other, the challenges they face and the fight for survival.
十六世纪下半叶,塞维利亚是西方世界的大城市,是欧洲通往美洲的门户。这座城市的富饶,依靠的是国际贸易和金银财富,同时也归功于共同生活与此的海内外人口:基督徒、皈依基督教的犹太人、受过洗礼的摩尔人、奴隶、获得自由的奴隶、流浪汉、盗贼、妓女、贵族、平民。同时,不平等、饥荒和传染病构成了这座城市的阴暗面。 在一次黑死病的爆发中,塞维利亚社会中的几名杰出成员被杀。马特奥,一位被宗教法庭审判的罪犯,必须解决这一系列的凶案,才能得到宗教法庭的赦免,从而拯救自己的生命。这是一场孤掷一注的调查,面对的是一个极为复杂与矛盾的环境。在那里,公众压抑和私人享乐并存;神秘主义和混乱无序随处可见;修道院纪律涣散,妓院却法规森严;监狱俨然变为藏身之所,医院则成为葬身之地;背叛与忠诚交织涌动。 2019年11月已确定将推出第二季。 奖项:2017年圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节:官方选择 非竞赛展映单元
/Olesya Morgunets-Isaenko
Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" which was sung on Christmas Eve with good wishes, became a worldwide hit thanks to American authors by the name of "Carol of the Bells". The film is a symbol of unity of nations like the song "Shchedryk" - "Carol of the Bells". The epitome of the globe in the film is a large two-story house where three families of different nationalities live together like three countries on Earth. They live peacefully and amicably until the invaders come to their home, namely like they came to all of Europe, and ruin their piece as well as the world one. However, a little talented girl believes in the power of magic of "Shchedryk" and sings this song trying to restore the good by herself. Today this film is more actual than ever. History repeats itself. Many people go through the separation of nations refusing good. While watching a sweet talented child on the screen, people will be reminded what indifference and dissension may lead to. The song that unites all nations...
本片从一个宫廷乐师萨里埃利的角度,为我们呈现了天才莫扎特的一生。萨里埃利(F·莫里·亚伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham饰)是维也纳音乐界里有名的人物,自视甚高的他自从遇到了莫扎特(汤姆·休斯克 Tom Hulce饰),心里的妒嫉之火便熊熊燃烧不能平息。莫扎特总能以他超乎常人的音乐作品赢得全场惊叹,他的《费加罗的婚礼》等歌剧,都成了传颂千古的经典。 萨里埃利对莫扎特又羡慕又嫉恨的心理已经发展到几乎扭曲的地步。他在莫扎特的事业上一次次的从中作梗——故意缩短歌剧的上演周期,恶意删改莫扎特的作品,在莫扎特承受着丧父之痛时给他无情的精神折磨。贫穷虚弱的莫扎特在生命最后的几年里,写就遗作《安魂曲》,一代大师35岁就与世长辞,留下不朽作品。而萨里埃利,早有等待他的宿命般的结局。
本(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart 饰)和乔(桃丽丝·戴 Doris Day 饰)是一对感情十分要好的夫妻,带着儿子汉克(Christopher Olsen 饰),一家三口来到了风景如画的摩洛哥度假。一次偶然中,本和乔结识了名叫路易斯(丹尼尔·盖林 Daniel Gélin 饰)的男人,他们在一起相处十分融洽。 不幸的事情发生了,路易斯被凶手刺杀身亡,临死前,他透露了一个神秘的名字——“安伯斯·查培”,并且告诉本和乔,有人正在伦敦执行一项秘密的暗杀行动,在得知了这个惊天秘密后,本和乔来到了伦敦。暗杀者自知行动泄露,为了取得最后的成功,他们不择手段绑架了汉克,可即便如此,也没能动摇本和乔声张正义的决心。
/Andrew Paquin
A couple on the verge of a nasty divorce attempt to sell their empty love nest and move on with their lives, separately. After a successful open house they are horrified to discover, days later, that a potential buyer didn't leave their home. While Alice is being held captive in the basement, the unannounced house guest moves in upstairs. She senses her capture is being kept a rebellious secret. She knows her way only way out if she can only get out alive.