/橋本光雄(Mitsuo Hashimoto)
在一个平静的日子,一股充满邪恶气息的小星球向地球逼近。人们惶恐不安,唯恐行星撞上地球。孙悟空和克林联手向行星发出龟派气功,却起不到任何作用。行星与地球擦肩而过,却也造成巨大的灾难。这时,一艘巨大的宇宙飞船降临大地,来者自称史拉格大王,他声称要将地球纳入自己的统治范围,并将地球改造成一艘宇宙飞船。史拉格是一个那美克星人,由于自幼被恶魔收养,他的灵魂中充满了罪恶,完全没有那美克星人善良的本性存在。凭借神龙的帮助,苍老的史拉格恢复青春活力,魔力空前高涨。为了阻止史拉格的罪恶计划,龙珠战士和史拉格军团展开连番恶战…… 本片为《七龙珠》剧场版第七部。
/Hyrul Anuar
Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape formula proves to be a success and they make enough for the concert tickets. However, unbeknownst to them - their all-natural vape juice has turned many drug addicts sober and this is causing a demand issue for the drug cartel bosses. This in turn starts a zany and hilarious chain of events that will change the ladies' lives forever.
/Ian Jones-Quartey
Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It is the coming-of-age story of a young boy named Steven, who grows up with three magical aliens, the "Crystal Gems" Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and helps them protect the world from their own kind.
当我还只是十三岁时,1941年春末的那一天,我初次见到了她那一天,墨索里尼向英法宣战,而我,得到了生命里的第一辆脚踏车。 她,撩著波浪状黑亮的秀发,穿著最时髦的短裙和丝袜,踏著充满情欲诱惑的高跟鞋,来到了西西里岛上宁静的阳光小镇。她的一举一动都引人瞩目、勾人遐想,她的一颦一笑都教男人心醉、女人羡妒。玛莲娜,像个女神一般,征服了这个海滨的天堂乐园。 年仅十三岁的雷纳多也不由自主地掉进了玛莲娜所掀起的漩涡之中,他不仅跟著其他年纪较大的青少年们一起骑著单车,穿梭在小镇的各个角落,搜寻著玛莲娜的诱人丰姿与万种风情,还悄悄地成为她不知情的小跟班,如影随形地跟监、窥视她的生活。她摇曳的倩影、她聆听的音乐、她贴身的衣物都成为这个被荷尔蒙淹没的少年,最真实、最美好的情欲幻想。 然而,透过雷纳多的眼,我们也看到了玛莲娜掉进了越来越黑暗的处境之中,她变成了寡妇,而在镇民们的眼中,她也成了不折不扣的祸水,带来了淫欲、嫉妒与忿怒,而一股夹杂著情欲与激愤的风暴,开始袭卷这个连战争都未曾侵扰的小镇。 玛莲娜一步步地沉沦,与父亲断绝了关系、被送上法院,更失去了所有的财产,这使得向来天真、不经世事的雷纳多,被迫面对这纯朴小镇中,人心的残暴无情,看著已经一无所有的玛莲娜,雷纳多竟鼓起了他所不曾有过的勇气,决定靠著他自己的力量,以一种教人难以料想的方式,来帮助玛莲娜走出生命的泥沼……
沃尔特(Peter Linz 配音)和盖瑞(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)是一对情深意笃的兄弟,所不同的是沃尔特是一个永远不会长高的布偶,而盖瑞则是正常的人类。岁月流逝,盖瑞渐渐长大,拥有自己的工作和爱情,沃尔特则始终保持孩童般的心,他最爱看的就是电视上播放 的布偶秀,即使这个节目已经停播多年,但他还是布偶秀的忠实粉丝。某天,盖瑞和女友玛丽(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰)、沃尔特前往洛杉矶旅行,顺便参观布偶秀的剧院。沃尔特意外得知,某黑心商人要收购这里的土地挖掘石油。为了保护心中的圣地,他必须找到散落在各个角落的布偶家族成员…… 本片荣获2012年奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。
CLOUD WHISPERS (WT) tells the tragicomic story of 60-year old Charlotte, who leaves her old life behind at a motorway pull-in in order to embark on a road trip with her granddaughter Jo and a dead cat. Her husband Paul and her daughter Alex are left puzzled and somewhat shocked. Charlotte and Jo's first impulse just to run away develops more and more into a self-determined new beginning. Far away from home and out of old patterns, they dive deep into the here and now, facing their fears and welcoming the surprises which only life and love can offer. But Paul catches up to Charlotte. Yet he has first to learn how to dream again or he will never get her back. Whereas Alex will fall deeply in love with someone she would have never expected. And Jo realizes that there is more between heaven and earth, than she will ever get out of her scientific book collection...
/João Leitão
A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring Gonçalo Waddington, as Captain Falcão, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible for coordinating the work of doubles) as his sidekick Puto Perdiz and José Pinto in the role of portuguese dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.
/玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡,Malgorzata Szumowska
亚努什并不是一个容易被惊吓的男人。作为一个法医他进行精密的研究,分析每分钟的犯罪场景。尽管这种极端的场面让他抗拒,但他仍然努力工作。也许太努力了。面对他患有厌食症的女儿,仍旧处于母逝悲痛之中的奥尔加,感到无能为力。因害怕女儿自杀,亚努什将她送到精神病医生安娜的诊所治疗。多年前,安娜失去了她的孩子,现在和他的狗独自住在一所偏远的公寓里,与世隔绝,并与逝去的亡灵沟通… 玛高扎塔•施莫夫兹卡以带有黑色喜剧元素的作品去讲述人们遭遇到的困难,在失去所爱人之后挣扎面对的痛苦。电影展示了人们对亲密关系的恐惧与渴望。因为精神上的痛苦,妄图从秘密中逃离的自我伤害。在理性和对超自然宇宙信仰之间的冲突,以及心在孤独之中纷繁的冥想。
Run-D.M.C.'s Rev Run brings us along for a hip-hop reimagining of The Nutcracker ballet set in New York City. It's the night of the annual New Year's Eve block party and Maria-Clara's (Caché Melvin) mom and pop (Allison Holker Boss and Stephen "tWitch' Boss) aren't getting along... and it's bringing her down. Maria-Clara embarks on a holiday adventure to bring her parents back together, finding help along the way from the magical toymaker, Drosselmeyer (Comfort Fedoke), and the Nutcracker (Du-Shant "Fik-shun" Stegall) whom she brings to life. Maria-Clara's journey takes her from the streets of New York to fantasy worlds where she battles with mice and toy soldiers (Viktor White, BDash, Kevin "Konkrete" Davis"), and back in time to the Land of Sweets in order to find the key to unlock her holiday wish. Will it be enough to rekindle her parents' lost love before the clock strikes midnight? The special features best-in-class dancers Mikhail Baryshnikov, Tiler Peck, KidaTheGreat AKA Kida Burns, the Jabbawockeez as magical snowflakes, and more.
/Márk Bodzsár
Comrade Draculich is a romantic vampire tale set in the cold war era. In the early 70's, Fabian the vampire returns home to the People's Republic of Hungary from the imperialist west, and immediately becomes a target of the communist secret police. During surveillance, love unfolds between the vampire and Maria, the young female comrade, who is assigned to spy on the mysterious stranger. She must make a choice between a monster and the regime that exploits her. This satirical love story mixes elements of spy and vampire movies. Through its depiction of the paranoid Hungarian communist regime, it reflects on our present, where surveillance is a global concern.
曾经风光一时的黑帮头目宗形博也(哀川翔 饰),在一次组织对抗后受伤并被迫退出江湖。多年以来,他和结拜兄弟信也(RED RICE 饰)忍辱求生,并尽心照顾坐牢的兄弟武史(鹤见辰己 饰)的女儿日向(山本舞香 饰)。武史出狱,日向却和好友塞拉(水野绘梨奈 饰)出走跑到了钱荷岛。与此同时,岛上病毒性感冒流行,黑帮竹下组成员吉田明(宫川大辅 饰)盗取组织的违禁药物当作特效药在岛上兜售,谁知却令自己成为了可怕的丧尸。 丧尸风暴迅速蔓延全岛,而尾随日向而至的宗形一行以及追踪吉田而来的竹下组武斗派头目(木村佑一 饰)等人,在这个最糟糕的时刻来到了这片血腥的修罗场……
Richard, Gilles et Philippe sont amis depuis près de cinquante ans. Le temps d’un été, ils embarquent avec leurs compagnes sur un magnifique voilier pour une croisière vers la Corse. Mais la cohabitation à bord d’un bateau n’est pas toujours facile. D’autant que chaque couple a ses problèmes, et que la météo leur réserve de grosses surprises... Entre rires et confessions, griefs et jalousies vont remonter à la surface. Chacun va devoir faire le point sur sa vie et sur ses relations aux autres. L’amitié résistera-t-elle au gros temps ?
时间来到最终决战的两年后,在本应已迎来和平的地球上,怪兽们再度倾巢而出。 与此同时,世界各地相继发生了各种入侵超古代遗迹的事件。而GUTS-SELECT(精英胜利队)也迎来了新的队长——时冈(中村优一 饰),众人开启了调查。 一场关乎宇宙前途命运的鏖战就此拉开序幕。 挺身而出的G UTS-SELECT、前来驰援的泽塔奥特曼还有身处战斗中心的特利迦奥特曼的面前出现的是……浑身散发着不祥之气的影之继承者——邪恶特利迦的身姿。 为了守护大家的笑容,特利迦奥特曼、GUTS-SELECT的队员们以及夏川遥辉/泽塔奥特曼(平野宏周 饰)、伊格尼斯/黑暗特利迦(细贝圭 饰),将一同投身这场光与影的大决战!
电信大亨杰辛哈尼亚(阿米尔•汗 Aamir Khan 饰)为人低调,某日却见报纸爆料他向一个叫卡尔帕谢蒂(阿辛 Asin 饰)的小广告模特大胆示爱,气愤之余杰辛哈尼亚去向这个造谣生事的女孩儿问责,谁料他途中看见一个美丽善良的女孩机智地帮助残疾儿童,而这 个女孩就是卡尔帕谢蒂,卡尔帕谢蒂并不认识杰辛哈尼亚,一场误会令别人以为她就是大亨的女友。杰辛哈尼亚隐瞒身份接近卡尔帕谢蒂,可后者以为他不过是求广告机会的无名小卒。杰辛哈尼亚结识卡尔帕谢蒂后开始了扮演双重身份的生活,两人在相处中感情逐渐加深。卡尔帕谢蒂从黑帮大佬手中救出了25名少女,惹来杀身之祸。杰辛哈尼亚遭连累被击中头部之后只能保留十五分钟的记忆,为了爱人,他艰难的凭借有限的记忆复仇……
/Christian T. Petersen
在MIDNIGHT的世界,反抗黑暗的时刻即将来临。 经过三个世纪的勾心斗角与战争,黑暗之王Izrador终于击败自由族类的英雄与军队。现在,他用铁拳统治着整个Aryth世界。在Shadow的奴役下,人类一族过着被压迫的生活,而精灵与矮人们则撤退到偏远的森林与深山里,在那里他们绝望的抵抗也慢慢屈服于Shadow不可动摇的淫威。 受命调查一位失踪的神父使者,恶名昭著的Mag Kiln被教会派往Blackweir的一个小镇Erenlander。在这里,他很快被卷入一个古老的秘密中,被揭开的不仅是镇子禁忌的遗产,还有他体内不断生长的恶毒的预言。《午夜编年史》是一部讲述两个传奇人物的史诗故事——善的一族与邪恶一族。这就是讲述他们的崛起,斗争与最终命运的故事,当然他们的命运不可避免地与黑暗之神统治的世界纠缠在一起。