9岁的“狮心面包圈”患结核病,而且知道他会死很快。哥哥狮心约拿丹在一次火灾中救人死去,弟弟后来也因病过世,死去后到了天堂,片中那个地方叫“南极优勒”。见到了哥哥,在天堂里哥哥仍然行善除恶,后来在那里又一次死去,从天堂又可以飞升到另一个更高的世界“南极利勒”。狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的刻……胆小的狮心面包干是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。 书中的主人公是一位小男孩斯科尔班,身体虚弱、胆小怕事。而他的哥哥约拿旦•狮心,勇敢、英俊、强壮又无所不知,非常疼爱弟弟。当他害怕死去时,哥哥告诉他:人死后将去就会到南极亚拉,在那里他会立刻变得健康、强壮起来,甚至会变得英俊。在那里,从早到晚都可以参加历险,那里还处于篝火与童话的时代。在家里的一次大火灾之后,白鸽子引导他们先后去了南极亚拉,在那里的樱桃谷如天堂一般,但是生活在附近的蔷薇谷的人们却在暴君腾格尔的统治下,过着恐惧、受奴役、没有自由的生活。于是,狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的时刻,终于把南极亚拉从暴君腾格尔、恶魔卡特拉手中解放出来。但是,最后哥哥也被恶龙卡特拉的火焰烧着了(而那是致命的)……胆小的斯科尔班是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。以及他们如何渡过难关,最终取得胜利。这些只有自己通过阅读去体会才会难以忘怀。旧时光定格,久远地印在心里。一点迷惑,一点莫名的感伤。像早上第一堂课,老师的嘴里唠叨着什么,每个字都重复着“睡吧睡吧”,同学们的脸孔遥远陌生。眼神迷离,不敢彻底伏下头去,等一声惊叫闯来,或者一个玩笑传来。时间过的慢极了,下课铃似乎永远不会响起。 一种童年,一个神奇温暖的梦幻世界。
/迈克·罗伯茨,丹·奥康纳,Ben Bjelajac,Chris Paluszek
An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actually does exist. The show started as a short pilot on a YouTube channel owned by Olan Rogers who became popular for his story telling.
/Charlie Adler,Dan Forgione
动画剧情紧接《功夫熊猫3》电影,阿宝也作为师傅收下了四个徒弟。 来到生父所在的熊猫村定居后,阿宝收了4个天赋异禀的徒弟女孩(Nu Hai), 宝(Bao), 静(Jing)、饭桶(Fan Tong),他们分别化身青龙、灵龟、白虎和朱雀,对付新的反派金雕。 4个精力充沛的熊猫宝宝掉到一个山洞里,他们从传说中的“四星象”那里获得了气(chi),有了成为大侠的基础。当然这4个熊孩子需得到神龙大侠阿宝的指点才能成大器。 影片反派金雕是千年前的武侠宗师,他曾是青龙、灵龟、白虎和朱雀的师傅,但被黑暗气(chi)所诱惑堕入黑暗。“四星象”封印了自己和金雕,没想到千年后金雕跑出来找到秃鹰做肉身。如果金雕将“四星象”吸收,就会变成完全体,天下将毁于一旦。
成长在贫穷的吉普赛营地的埃德蒙·维达尔,又名摩门,保有着一份对家庭的责任感,无限忠诚与骄傲。尤其是,他和因偷窃而入狱的瑟奇·舒特尔依然保存着 友谊。两人无可避免的卷入到犯罪组织,六七十年代昂匪帮因持械抢劫而臭名卓著。不断壮大的匪帮在70年代中期得以遏制。今天,已年逾60的埃德蒙欲将这段 生活抹去,找个地方从生意中抽身,转向过去因此而受苦的妻子以及儿孙,而妻儿长孙对这个男人所拥有的坦率、普遍价值、清醒的头脑、以及无限仁慈深表尊敬。 但瑟奇·舒特尔的到来,这无法抹去的历史又会掀起怎样的涟漪…… 幕后制作 奥利维埃·马夏尔被认为是法国六七十年、梅尔维尔时代黑帮片的继承者。他的《36警局》、《MR73左轮枪》虽然属于一般的商业警匪范畴,但情节有着 强烈的现实感和宿命感,显示出导演的功力。他的最新作品《里昂黑帮》日前在法国上映,影片有着成为一部法国版“教父”和“盗火线”的野心,但得到的评价较 为两级。有的观众认为影片的故事讲得很真诚,有的则计较其风格过于刻意和不够统一。奥利维埃·马夏尔本人在从影之前就是一名警察,他的前两部作品也都是讲 述警察的故事,但《里昂黑帮》将镜头对准了他们的对立面,“我并不希望美化黑帮,相反表现了他们之间所谓神圣的不可侵犯的男人情谊只不过是一种幻觉。我的 黑帮最终不是横死就是落狱,没有什么好下场。”
《二当家/副总统》是美国总统大选年率先亮相的一部政治喜剧,接下来还有数部类似的剧集排队等候播出。 该剧故事描述前任女参议员Selina Meyer(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)当上副总统后 发现这个职位与她想象中的情况完全不一样--她几乎没有任何真正的权力。参议院、众议员和总统都不把她当回事,可一旦遇到谁也解决不了的麻烦事就扔给她去处理。 刚刚上任的副总统Selina Meyer带着她的班子成员--办公室主任Amy(Anna Chlumsky)、发言人Mike(Matt Walsh)、政治参谋Gary(Tony Hale)和执行助理Sue(Sufe Bradshaw)--来到华盛顿。虽然他们还没有站稳脚跟,但Selina急于表现自己的能力。结果,一系列的失误导致她的手下人不得不放弃当初的设想,转头去做「损害控制」工作。该剧其实和Showtime的《谎言堂》有点像,也是一个主人公身边围绕一群「各司其责」、「性格各异」的手下,只不过该剧的主人公贵为副总统,而且是个女性。
Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder Valley in West Yorkshire. While on duty, she makes a gruesome discovery – a body. The victim’s injuries bear a striking similarity to a string of other murders over the previous few months, suggesting a serial killer is on the loose. But the case becomes even more shocking when it emerges that Catherine knows the victim – something that could have serious repercussions for both herself and her family.
故事发生在位于南加利福尼亚的一个平凡的家庭之中。卡罗尔(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和丈夫格雷格(山德·贝克利 Xander Berkeley 饰)结婚多年,共同养育着两人的孩子,格雷格的事业一帆风顺,卡罗尔生活在衣食无忧之中,一家人可谓是旁人眼中的模范家庭。 然而,在某一天,风平浪静的日子忽然划上了休止符。卡罗尔开始出现流鼻血、晕眩、无法呼吸的症状,而这症状,随着时间的推移越来越严重。为此,卡罗尔和格雷格没少求医问诊,但令他们感到困惑的是,从检验报告上来看,卡罗尔的一切身体器官都运行如常,然而她所表现出的症状又的确确有其事。
供职于洛杉矶移民海关执法局的麦克斯·布罗根(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)在一次突袭某制衣厂的行动中抓捕了一名年轻的墨西哥偷渡女子玛利亚(艾莉丝·布拉加 Alice Braga 饰),对方求他帮忙照管自己的儿子。持旅游签证入美的澳大利亚女孩克莱尔(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)为在短期内获取绿卡,实现好莱坞明星梦,不得不成为洛杉矶移民署职员科尔·弗兰克尔(雷·利奥塔 Ray Liotta 饰)的短期情妇,这使男友加文(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)十分恼火。科尔的妻子丹尼斯(艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd 饰)正处理一桩疑似恐怖分子驱逐案,15岁的穆斯林女孩塔斯利玛(莎莫·比施尔 Summer Bishil 饰)因同情9.11劫机犯而被捕。与此同时,麦克斯的朋友,警察哈米德(克利夫·柯蒂斯 Cliff Curtis 饰)深陷家庭危机,却在一桩便利店劫案中面临是否给一名韩国移民新生机会的选择……
While surveying a telegraph line in 1861, Western Union engineer Edward Creighton (Dean Jagger) is severely injured in an accident. He is discovered by Vance Shaw (Randolph Scott), an outlaw on the run from a posse. Forced to travel on foot after his horse was hurt, Shaw at first considers stealing Creighton's horse, but changes his mind and takes the man with him, saving his life. Sometime later, following his recovery, Creighton returns to Omaha, Nebraska and plans the construction of a telegraph line from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Utah. Facing considerable opposition to the line from Confederate soldiers, Indians, and outlaws, Creighton elicits the help of his sister Sue (Virginia Gilmore), foreman Pat Grogan (Minor Watson), and assistant Homer Kettle (Chill Wills). Looking to put his outlaw past behind him, Shaw arrives at Creighton's Western Union office looking for honest work and is hired as a scout by Grogan who is unaware of his past. Creighton recognizes him among the men and allows him to stay despite his suspicions. Creighton also hires tenderfoot Richard Blake (Robert Young), a Harvard-educated engineer as a favor to Blake's father. Shaw and Blake are both attracted to Sue and vie for her attention, but their romantic rivalry is cut short when construction of the telegraph line starts on July 4, 1861. After work commences on the line, one of the men is killed apparently by a mysterious band of cattle-rustling Indians. Unconvinced that Indians are to blame, Shaw rides out to investigate and follows the rustlers' trail to the camp of Jack Slade, a former friend and cohort, whose gang committed the killing disguised as Indians—the gang Shaw left following his last bank robbery. Slade reveals that they are working for the Confederacy to disrupt Western Union because they believe the telegraph service will help the Union. Shaw rides away and returns to the line. Not wanting to turn in his former friends, Shaw tells Creighton that a large band of Dakota Indians stole the cattle, and recommends that they simply replace the herd and not risk a fight with the Indians. Sometime later, a confrontation takes place between men working on the forward line and a band of drunken Indians. When one of the Indians tries to steal some equipment, a nervous Blake shoots him, ignoring Shaw's order to remain calm. After word arrives that the main camp is under attack by other Indians, the Western Union men rush back to help with the defense. At the main camp, Slade's men, who are again disguised as Indians, steal the Western Union horses. The company discover the ruse when one of the wounded Indians turns out to be a white man. Forced to buy back their stolen horses from Slade, Creighton becomes suspicious of Shaw's involvement, especially when he admits to knowing the gang. Soon the U.S. Army arrives and announces the Indians have now refused to allow the telegraph lines to go through their territory in response to Blake's shooting of the drunken Indian. Creighton, Shaw, and Blake ride out to convince Chief Spotted Horse to allow them to build the line through Indian territory, even though the man Blake wounded was Spotted Horse's son. Creighton is finally able to persuade the Indians to allow them passage, and work continues until the company approaches Salt Lake City. Sometime later, Shaw receives word that Jack Slade wants to meet with him. On the way to see Slade, Shaw is captured and bound by Slade's men. Slade says his group is going to burn down the Western Union camp and they don't want Shaw to interfere. After Slade and his men ride off, Shaw escapes from his ropes but arrives back too late to prevent the fire. He helps rescue some of the Western Union men from the flames and burns his hands in the process. After the fire, Creighton confronts Shaw for an explanation, but Shaw does not reveal what he knows and is fired by Creighton. As Shaw leaves the camp, he tells Blake that Slade is actually Shaw's brother and that he, Shaw, will find Slade's gang and stop them from interfering with the telegraph project. Shaw rides off and finds Slade and his men in a nearby town. At the barber shop, Shaw confronts his brother, whose gun is concealed under the barber's sheet. Slade shoots Shaw through the sheet. Shaw fights back in spite of his wound, killing some of the gang members, and then dies. Blake arrives and continues the fight with Slade who dies from his wounds. Soon after, the Western Union line is completed and the workers celebrate. When Sue laments the absence of Shaw, Creighton tells her that Shaw can hear them.
Brandy Kirby和邪恶的律师Vincent Mailer想通过伪造一个William和Maida McIntyre夫妇失散多年的儿子,来捞取好处。Brandy于是诱骗赌徒Lefty Farrell假扮这个儿子。McIntyre的侄女,喜欢Lefty,将他介绍了McIntyre夫妇,老夫妇很快相信了这就是Lefty他们的儿子,但老人却不肯修改遗嘱。Lefty不敢杀害McIntyre,而说穿了Mailer的骗局。(文:life_is_good@YDY) Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as "two of a kind."
纽约市一所艺术高中的入学考试现场,大量怀抱艺术梦想的青年冀希望于通过器乐、表演、舞蹈考试后踏上新一段的人生征途。考生们的风格与性格差异明显,将严肃的入学测试变成了一场意外频出的喜剧。痴迷于“未来音乐”的布鲁诺、懦弱却又为母亲期望而不得不应试的桃乐丝、吹嘘自己虚构父亲的雷夫、为朋友伴舞而意外入选的里洛等人顺利实现了愿望。开始了专业又艰苦的训练,他们不断扩充演艺技巧的同时,也在经历着人生与爱情的磨砺,并且偶而有学生因努力不足掉队。虽然前途充满艰难,但这些年青人在最美好的年纪释放着自身的梦想之光…… 本片获1981年奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖,金球奖最佳原创音乐奖等褒奖。
自從開始上天主教慕道課以來,恪守教義的少女瑪麗亞便遠離了流行文化,抵抗撒旦化身的種種誘惑。長大之後,嚴厲的母親仍以絕對威權的方式,約束她的生活起居與交友狀況。虔誠的瑪麗亞不但努力達到要求,為了讓罹患自閉症的弟弟能開口說話,她暗自做了一個危險的決定。 《少女的歧禱》以工整完美的形式,呼應片中角色的極端行徑。全片十四則標題,借典自耶穌赴難的章回短篇;十四段長鏡頭,築架出儀式般的嚴謹結構,再再讓人聯想起一九五○年羅塞里尼執導的《聖法蘭西斯之花》。不同的是,本片看似冷靜側寫瑪麗亞追求信仰而犧牲奉獻的心路歷程,實則以強烈批判性的諷喻口吻,探討極端的信仰狂熱如何成為威權高壓統治的變種,魄力驚人。
与Stefan Uher和Elo Havatta一样,Eduard Grecner也是60年代斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的缔造者之一。他的三部影片《一周七天》(1964)《尼绒月亮》(1965)和这部《徳拉克的回归》都是斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的代表作。这部叙事方法独特带有明显意识流风格的黑白影片甚至间接影响到了后来法国导演格里耶在捷克拍摄的两部影片《说谎的人》和《Eden and After》。 A special place in the development of feature films is reserved for Eduard Grecner, the creator of just one good film, Dragon Returns (Drak sa vracia, 1967), titled after the nickname of the lead character. After his initial work with Uher, Grecner made his mark as a proponent of the so-called "intellectual" film, the antithesis of the sociologically, or rather, socially critical film. Grecner's great role model was Alan Resnais, a young French filmmaker who sought to introduce Slovakia to the idea of film as a labyrinth in which meanings are created not by stories, but by complex configurations of dialogue, shots, and various layers of time, thus differentiating film from both literature and theater. In Dragon Returns―the story of a solitary hero who is needed by villagers living far in the mountains, but who is rejected by them at the same time because of his detachment―Grecner brought the tradition of lyricized prose to life through a whole series of formal aesthetic techniques. Alain Robbe-Grillet immediately developed this idea in the film shot in Bratislava The Man Who Lies (Slovak: Muz, ktory luze; French title: L'homme qui ment; 1968), and perfected it in Eden and After (Eden a potom, 1970).