“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
/Nancy Leopardi
Linda has a seemingly perfect marriage with her rugged and handsome husband Mark and an adorable 8 year old daughter, Chloe. But when Chloe is injured by an elderly babysitter who has slipped into dementia, Linda wants to ensure that her child is never hurt again. Initially, Heather, the new babysitter, seems like the ideal addition to this practically perfect family. But Heather is a schemer who exploits the cracks in Mark and Linda's relationship, and delights in the resulting chaos. As Linda later learns, to her horror, Heather's intentions go far beyond the mischievous.
Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian director Joe D'Amato, starring Laura Gemser and George Eastman. The film was one of the most expensive films ever made in Italy at that time, not just in cast but in locations. The filming was done in many countries; Hong Kong, Iran, India, America and in a studio in Italy. It features a notable cast, including Gemser, Karin Schubert, Ivan Rassimov and Eastman.
Studio On Fire将制作首部BL新剧《Live in Love 》,改编自作家Yoe Nim的同名小说。 讲述了P'Kla 和 Nong Cake 因路过而相遇的爱情故事,事情发生在这句话之后“你朋友的名字看起来很好吃”。 在每个人都因为新冠病毒而不得不自我隔离的时期,人们利用空闲时间出来在社交媒体上发布直播,就此让 Kla 和 Cake 通过朋友的直播彼此认识了。 但谁能想到,彼此刚认识的一开始,竟因为一句玩笑话「你朋友的名字看起来很好吃」,诞生了关于 Dare to eat cake 话题的情侣标签.... Kla 被很多人视为一个非常冷漠,不关心任何事的人,你为什么会同意上线? 玩社交媒体的目的,就是为了能和Cake这样一脸呆萌的年轻人现场聊天。
怪盗鲁邦三世(ルパン三世,Lupin III)与搭档——“酷枪汉”次元大介,“什么东西都要劈两半的危险男人”石川五右卫门,谜一样的美女峰不二子,展开的一系列冒险故事。 这是《鲁邦三世》动画系列的第一部,1971-1972年上映。又称《鲁邦三世之绿夹克系列》(因为片中鲁邦三世的正装为绿色外套),原计划拍摄26话,最终完成23话。据说这是第一部面向非青少年观众的动画作品,因为其中出现较多(相对当时的动画作品而言)暴力,欺诈。而藏在这些背后的则是大量令人捧腹的喜剧成分。本作基于Monkey Punch(加藤一彦)的《鲁邦三世》漫画系列,监督大塚康生,并有宫崎骏等多位后来的动漫重量级人物担任制作班底。本作奠定了整个鲁邦动画系列的基调,后来的鲁邦系列作品还多次从本系列中攫取素材。鲁邦从此进军荧屏,并一跃成为日本国民级动画经典,活跃至今。