Somewhere in Berlin. But not just any time, this is here and now. A postman delivers a parcel and, soon afterwards, everything changes. A terrorist attack rocks a family to the core. Maxi – who loses her mother, her brothers and her home – tries to look forward, but is still deeply insecure. Nothing seems to work. Her father Alex is as traumatised as she is. The certainties of the past have been wiped out and the grief that comes with their loss obscures everything. Meeting another young person seems to help Maxi. Karl liberates her from her paralysis and urges her to conquer her fear. He has organised a meeting of European students who are looking for solutions to the catastrophic situation on the continent. The task he assigns Maxi could be the deciding factor in the success of a grand plan. By joining forces with Karl, Maxi is dancing on a knife edge: today in Berlin, tomorrow in Prague, soon in Strasbourg and eventually all over Europe. Je suis Karl – a political takeover.
冬雪纷飞的安纳托利亚山区,一所与世隔绝的男子寄宿学校座落其中。某日夜里,男孩们在淋浴间过度嬉闹,遭到教官严厉处罚,被迫在零下30度的低温中洗冷水澡。隔天,尤素夫竟发现同房好友开始严重呕吐,陷入昏迷。他赶忙通报师长,却只见大人们不断互踢皮球。随著时间分秒流逝,下山之路的积雪越发深厚,他望著奄奄一息的好友,理智也面临崩溃边缘。 库德族裔新锐导演改编童年亲身经历,场景设置在宛如真实社会缩影的寄宿学校,透过纯真而惊惧的男孩之眼,以晃动不安的镜头控诉官僚杀人的冷酷体制,更尖锐影射陈腐教育思维的世代複制过程。 “施加在我们幼小身体上的控制,将在往后的人生形塑我们的心智。控制孩子,本质上就是控制未来。”──法利·卡拉罕
一场车祸夺去了父母的性命,年幼的奥斯卡和妹妹琳达发誓永不分开。成年后,奥斯卡(Nathaniel Brown 饰)漂泊来至东京,为了实现童年的誓言,他以兜售毒品赚取钱财,终于为琳达(Paz de la Huerta 饰)挣得了飞来东京的机票。兄妹相遇,却终是随波逐流的个体。在这个繁花乱坠迷人眼的大都会,奥斯卡继续进行毒品交易,而琳达则在一家夜总会大跳艳舞。在一次交易时,奥斯卡遭到警察围捕,混乱中更被枪击身亡。他的意识渐渐脱离肉体,穿梭在东京的大街小巷,关注跟随每一个在他生命中留下痕迹的人,等待着下一场不知何时才会开始的轮回…… 本片荣获2009年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节最佳摄影奖和评委会特别奖。
/Patrick Demers
Thomas and Marianne, a feuding couple whose relationship has hit a wall, decide to spend a weekend at Thomas’s uncle’s lakeside cottage. This is their last chance to save their relationship, which has been jeopardized by Marianne’s meaningless flirtations and Thomas’s uncontrollable jealousy. As they arrive, a restless yet charming neighbour welcomes them into their house and, realizing that Thomas’s uncle and girlfriend will not be showing up for days, suggests they share the dinner he has prepared. The drunken night that follows – with this man, who might not be who he seems to be, pushing his charms on Marianne – leads to a weekend of blurred emotions and events, where loyalties, guilt and a shared secret will test the young couple’s ability to survive. Along the way, flashbacks shed light on events that unfold, as Demers – who won the prize for Best Canadian Short Film at the Festival in 1999 for Décharge – begins to introduce information about each character in order to build doubt and ramp up the tension. Jaloux is a tour de force in both its European mood and style and its North American subject and nature, a result which could not have been achieved without the self-assured skills of an expert filmmaker.
少女凯特(莱斯利-安妮·哈芙 Leslie-Anne Huff 饰)拥有一种神奇的能力,随便什么人,她只要看上一眼,便能知道他的死期为何时。一次偶然中,凯特遇见了名为杰森(Anthony Chaput 饰)的男子,凯特发现杰森拥有能够在死后和现世交流的能力,并且,杰森的死期就在几个小时之后。一直想要知道死后世界是什么模样的凯特摆脱杰森在死后同她联络,杰森兴然应允。 果然,很快杰森便死了,在临死之时,一副诡异恐怖的画面出现在了杰森的眼前。之后,凯特果然接到了杰森来自“阴间”的电话,根据杰森的指使,凯特需要前往香港,在那里,一位名叫达伦(陈奕迅 饰)的酒保正在等她。
音乐厅中传来枪声,观众们一片惊慌。一位外国女子(露西•曼娜海姆饰)询问理查德•汉内(罗伯特•多纳特饰)是否可以在他家中过夜。次日该女子在被杀之前告诉理查德必须阻止间谍组织“三十九级台阶”将国家机密偷偷送出英国。汉内为了证明自己并不是杀人凶手无奈前往苏格兰高地寻找线索,在火车上他寻求一位叫做帕梅拉(玛德琳•卡罗尔饰)的金发年轻女子帮助,但她却马上向警察告发了他。他找到了“三十九级台阶”的领导人乔丹教授,但随即被陷害入狱。侥幸逃脱后又由于帕梅拉的告发被两位伪装成便衣警察的人带走,并且他们还把帕梅拉和他铐在了一起。于是两人携手逃脱了出来并取得了互相的信任,然后他们再次回到音乐厅,汉内看到了上次就见过的表演。他向号称可以回答任何问题的“记忆先生”(怀特•沃森饰)提问:“什么是三十九级台阶“,于是…… 希区柯克曾说“记忆先生“是他最喜欢的角色之一,这个角色建立在一个名叫达塔斯的真人基础上,他自己小时候在伦敦看过他的表演。
/John Stimpson
The morning after Trudy, a law school student, unsuspectingly steps into what she believes to be a "NetCar" black sedan, she wakes up confused and alone in a seedy motel-the victim of a roofie and sexual assault. Frustrated by the slow pace of the justice system, she takes matters into her own hands. Becoming NetCar driver herself, Trudy goes on a crusade to find and stop the serial rapist to whom she fell victim.
/Jayme Monjardim
Júlio César stands on the ledge of a 20-story building poised to jump when he's suddenly joined by a mysterious, disheveled stranger, a "dreamseller," whose mission is to convince people to love life. A philosophical dialogue follows as the stranger talks Julio down from the ledge and invites him to become a dreamseller. At first Júlio views the journey as a "sociological experiment," but he soon begins to believe. Others join, and the "band of misfits" under the tutelage of the dreamseller visit sites as diverse as a retirement home and a funeral, delivering a lesson each place. The dreamseller points out the madness in modern society and invites others to embrace his ideals. As his influence grows, detractors emerge, but he has an answer for everyone, until Megasoft, the corporate monolith and a favorite target of the dreamseller, forces him into a corner.