/Marc Rothemund
弗洛瑞恩(托拜西·宣克 Tobias Schenke 饰)是一个单纯懵懂的少年,刚刚步入青春期的他对于异性几乎一窍不通,可他周围的同学们都已经在“蠢蠢欲动”了。一次偶然中,弗洛瑞恩的“小弟弟”竟然开口说话了,在震惊之中,“小弟弟”告诉弗洛瑞恩,它希望弗洛瑞恩能帮自己找个伴儿。 弗洛瑞恩将自己的传奇经历说给了同伴们听,可是没有人相信他的话,毕竟,“小弟弟”会说话可不是什么天天都会发生的寻常事,在这些嘲笑弗洛瑞恩的同伴里,红牛(Axel Stein 饰)是个例外,他不仅相信了弗洛瑞恩,更对他充满了羡慕。性感热辣的莱欧妮(米娜·唐德 Mina Tander 饰)找到弗洛瑞恩,拜托他去她家帮她背台词,如此大好的机会,弗洛瑞恩和他的“小弟弟”怎么可能轻易放过呢?
/Tom Tataranowicz
传说火星上居住着一种类似地球上的老鼠,但是体型与人相当的一种生物。他们在火星和平居住,繁衍生息,过着无忧无虑的生活。突然有一天,远在另一个星系的普鲁塔星人在耗尽了他们自己的能源之后,侵略火星,掠夺火星上的资源,用飞船运回普鲁塔星。火星鼠们奋起抵抗,但是他们的力量无法阻挡普鲁塔星人的攻势。他们的三个勇猛战士斯罗特、莫多和维尼被普鲁塔星人抓走。 这一天,斯罗特等三人躲过普鲁塔星人的监视,抢了一艘飞船赶回火星,可是在途中遇到了普鲁塔星人的巡逻飞船,双方交火。火星鼠的飞船不幸被打中,只好改变航向,降落在地球上。好在他们的飞船上还载着他们最得意的交通工具和作战工具----他们的摩托车。他们三个人都是驾驶摩托车的好手,有了摩托车更能使他们如鱼得水。 三位骑士降落到地球上后,得到了“幸存者修车厂”女主人莎莉的帮助。从莎莉口中,他们得知普鲁塔星人也来到了地球,也掠夺地球的资源。他们的头目叫林伯格,他带领他的两个主要手下大油包和卡班克博士想尽一切办法要把地球上的土壤等资源运回普鲁塔星。曾目睹自己家园被毁的三位骑士决心帮助地球人与林伯格战斗,保护地球。他们跨上自己的摩托,一次次与林伯格交锋,一次次挫败他的阴谋,同时,他们与地球上的人类之间的感情也逐渐增长。
/Mitchell Altieri,The Butcher Brothers,Phil Flores
位于加利福尼亚北部的奥克兰,是一个地处偏远的平凡小镇。不过亦如其他大城市一样,年轻躁动的青年们成为这里最不安定的因素。科迪(柯瑞·纳夫 Cory Knauf 饰)、Q(布莱特·罗伯茨 Bret Roberts 饰)、厄洛伊(尼克·塔格斯 Nick Tagas 饰)是当地一支暴走族的成员,他们终日抽烟、酗酒、吸毒、打架、非法买卖、男女乱搞,无恶无做,浪荡生活没有止境。 在一次为科迪的妈妈举办的生日派对上,科迪的前女友米歇尔(Tiffany Shepis 饰)遭到袭击,此后更表现出怪异的举止。不久,更有一群打扮怪异的家伙抓住了他们,科迪等人成为了怪人的俘虏。恐怖之夜由此展开……
故事发生在1914年的意大利,第一次世界大战即将爆发,在一座名为卡普里的小岛上,牧羊人少女露西娅(玛丽安娜·芳塔娜 Marianna Fontana 饰)因为寻找丢失的山羊,而偶然闯入了由一群北欧自由艺术家所构成的神秘聚落之中,在那里,所有的人都赤身裸体,伴随着音乐自由的舞蹈。这诡异的场景并没有吓到卢西亚,她也脱光了衣服,很快就融入了那里的欢快气氛之中。 露西娅出生在一个非常封建的家庭之中,她的兄长为了利益想要把她嫁给一个糟老头子。在聚落里,露西娅结识了名叫塞布(雷努特·舒尔腾·范·艾查特 Reinout Scholten van Aschat 饰)的男子,塞布教会了露西娅许多她闻所未闻的处事方法,让她得到了对抗自己命运的勇气。
/Alli Haapasalo
咪咪屡屡在女孩团体里冲突闯祸,乐可却总困惑于自己能够爱谁。即将迎来一场大赛的艾玛苦练多年滑冰,却始终无法克服最难的招式。在即将到来的三个礼拜中,三人仿佛经历一场场摇晃又旋转的时光。做爱与恋爱、相聚或分离、交心或冷战,不间断地演练与挫折,宛如踩进一个不时短路的青春循环。 芬兰导演艾莉.哈帕塞洛以周记式的叙事结构,探究女孩成长过程中,时而直率、时而反复不安的情感特色,直接却不带批判。透过灵动的摄影与乐曲,将少女独有的亲密和芥蒂描摹得淋漓尽致。三个年轻演员各有鲜明个性,幽微投射欲望、亲子与人际难题,一次次将观众抛向点餐台、溜冰场、派对舞池,与城市的寂寥黑夜。随着影片起舞,仿似也重新回味了青春时代的温度和或许未完成的人生轨迹。 Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö want to live adventurous lives, loaded with experiences and passion. Emma, on the contrary, has given her whole life to figure skating. Nothing gets between her and success. But when the girls meet, life opens whole new paths, and they all rocket in new directions. While Mimmi and Emma experience the earth moving effects of first love, Rönkkö is on a quest to find pleasure. Three Fridays is all it takes to turn their worlds upside down. "It kind of became my mission to depict girls in a much more complex and realistic way than we are used to seeing in cinema. And to create a film where girls are valued as exactly who they are." – Alli Haapasalo
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.
/柯林·米尼汉,斯图尔特·奥尔蒂斯,The Vicious Brothers
电视台制作人杰瑞•哈尔福德与信心满满的青年兰斯•普雷斯顿(辛恩·罗格斯 Sean Rogerson 饰)合作,制作了一档名为《墓地邂逅》的灵异纪实节目,他自称年少时曾遭遇超自然现象,所以长久以来一直致力于揭示灵魂的真面目。此次,他和他的团队来到了一家始建于1893年的医院——科林伍德精神病院,该医院曾受纳上千名病患,1963年因闹鬼被迫关闭。兰斯团队决定将自己反锁在医院8小时,通过摄像机以及其他高精仪器寻找鬼魂的蛛丝马迹。 为了制造恐怖氛围,兰斯不惜弄虚作假,可是他很快发现这座医院真的有什么东西存在,他们将面临最为恐怖与难熬的不眠之夜……
艾伯特(Åke Grönberg 饰)的全部身家性命都赌在了自己苦心经营的马戏团上面了,尽管生意日益惨淡,但他并没有产生放弃的念头,他决定用一场盛大的演出来振奋团里的士气。带着自己的情人安妮(哈里特·安德森 Harriet Andersson 饰),艾伯特来到了一个名叫舒伯格(甘纳尔·布耶恩施特兰德 Gunnar Björnstrand 饰)的男人处,希望能够向他借一些演出用的服装。 艾伯特去看望分别已久的妻子阿格达(Annika Tretow 饰)和孩子们,并表示了想要留在家中安度晚年的愿望,没想到遭到了拒绝,不久之后,艾伯特又发现安妮和同事弗朗斯(哈塞·埃克曼 Hasse Ekman 饰)之间的私情。好在马戏团的演出获得了成功,生活即便残酷,但日子还是一天天的慢慢流走了。
Inspired by true events in 1948. Hassanin, an Egyptian filmmaker, is tasked with documenting a raid on the isolated kibbutz Nitzanim. When the kibbutz learns of the impending army raid, Mira, a young but valiant mother, is forced to reckon with the true cost of war and make an impossible choice.
风韵犹存的妮妲是一个单身妈妈,数年前她和老公的感情破裂,长久以来只同儿子阿顿生活在一起。妮妲靠在夜市卖电影光盘为生,巨大的压力令她皈依一个名为“Who R U”的宗教社团。5年前,阿顿与母亲发生争执,随即将自己反锁房中,从此再未踏向外部世界。妮妲与阿顿德交流便是通过门缝下传递纸条来实现,凭借宗教赐予她的力量,妮妲似乎渐渐习惯这种不正常的生活。 某电视台恐怖节目编辑阿东是妮妲的常客,他得知阿顿的事情,告知妮妲这是一种被称为“隐蔽青年”的自闭症状。阿东决定帮助阿顿走出房门,回到社会。他极其热心地操办此事,结果却令他追悔莫及。而在这一过程中,妮妲内心尘封已久的记忆也被渐渐唤醒……
/Wallace Brothers
奄奄一息的维克多.弗兰肯斯坦(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)被北极探险船救起,他告诉了船长沃尔顿(艾丹·奎因 Aidan Quinn 饰)一个令人难以置信的故事。年轻的维克多与父母收养的妹妹伊丽莎白(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)生活在一起,一次他偷取了一本使死人复活试验的医学笔记,并用偷来的尸体创造出了一个全新的生命“创造物”(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)。可是“创造物”并不乐意这样生活,他逃走了企图开始新生,但是他失败了,经历了种种羞辱后他恨透了维克多。在维克多准备与伊丽莎白结婚时,“创造物”回来了,他残忍的杀死了新娘。悲痛欲绝的维克多故技重施,用伊丽莎白的尸体创造了一个再生人,“创造物”认为再生的新娘与自己是一样的,企图占有她,再生新娘以死相抗最后引火自焚。失去一切的维克多抛下一切追逐“创造物”,一直来到北极圈……
Bravo’s Emmy-winning competition series Project Runway returns for another season of high stakes and fierce fashions on Thursday, December 5 at 9:30/8:30c. Sixteen new hopefuls are ready to take the runway by storm and make fashion history. Host Karlie Kloss is back, along with Christian Siriano as the mentor and returning judges Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth, to decide who has what it takes to make it in this industry. Each 90-minute episode will feature the return of some fan-favorite elements, including the “Siriano Save,” in which Christian has the opportunity to bring one eliminated designer back into the competition, and the pièce de résistance, a chance to present a final collection at New York Fashion Week. Gotham remains a main character for this fashion adventure for challenge reveals and runway shows with iconic locations such as the famous TWA Hotel at JFK, The Vessel at Hudson Yards, and Bergdorf Goodman. In addition, the groundbreaking series continues to shine a light on the evolution of fashion and inclusion by featuring a variety of sexual preferences, racial backgrounds and ages including a nonbinary model and a trans model, a “Dreamer,” and the oldest designer ever to compete on Project Runway. Challenging fashion norms, the designers are tasked with creating functional outfits for Olympians and Paralympians, as well as turning donated garments from Goodwill of NY into high fashion wear. In the premiere of Project Runway, the competition begins with some twists right out of the airport gate. With luggage still in tow, the designers are greeted at the iconic TWA Hotel at JFK airport ready to take flight with their first challenge: to create an innovative look inspired by humanity’s continued push into space exploration. In a Runway first, these unfamiliar designers have to pair up and collaborate to make cohesive pieces that blow away the judges or they are out. Fans will also get a chance to own a piece of the designer creations when they vote on the outfits they like best. Both the judges’ winning look and a fan-favorite look will be manufactured in the USA by Nineteenth Amendment, a production platform producing sustainable clothing on-demand, and sold on The guest judges this season who will help determine whether our designers are in or out are singer and actress Cyndi Lauper, actress and equal-rights advocate Laverne Cox, comedian and actress Leslie Jones, Olympic gold-medal downhill skier Lindsey Vonn, actress Rachel Brosnahan, fashion designer Thom Browne, legendary artists Ashley Longshore, Emmy-nominated fashion stylist Marni Senofonte, and more. Maybelline and TRESemmé return as the exclusive makeup and hair care partners to bring to life the glamorous looks that will define the runway. Brother will once again outfit the state-of-the-art workroom with its innovative sewing and embroidery machines for contestants to create their showstopping pieces. With the return of the inventive Pilot FriXion Erasable Gel Ink Pens, aspiring designers have the creative freedom to bring their sketches to life. To celebrate Universal Pictures' new film Cats (in theaters Dec. 20), designers will compete to create a chic street look that puts a new spin on the timeless trend of animal prints. Viewers who can't get enough of Project Runway can tune into the Project Runway After Show and Viewer Verdict, two digital series available on and brought to you by TRESemmé and Maybelline, respectively. The winning designer will take home a $250,000 grand prize courtesy of Bluprint, the digital destination for makers and the official DIY partner of Project Runway, a feature in ELLE magazine, the chance to be featured in a Bluprint digital series, $50,000 compliments of returning sponsor Pilot, and a career-changing mentorship with the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America). Last season, Bluprint awarded the winning designer Sebastian Grey his own original digital series along with $50,000 to put toward a design studio. The series Fashion Sewing with Sebastian Grey will offer lessons on making a bespoke skirt and will stream on the Bluprint digital platform and app in conjunction with the Project Runway season premiere.