/Olesya Morgunets-Isaenko
Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" which was sung on Christmas Eve with good wishes, became a worldwide hit thanks to American authors by the name of "Carol of the Bells". The film is a symbol of unity of nations like the song "Shchedryk" - "Carol of the Bells". The epitome of the globe in the film is a large two-story house where three families of different nationalities live together like three countries on Earth. They live peacefully and amicably until the invaders come to their home, namely like they came to all of Europe, and ruin their piece as well as the world one. However, a little talented girl believes in the power of magic of "Shchedryk" and sings this song trying to restore the good by herself. Today this film is more actual than ever. History repeats itself. Many people go through the separation of nations refusing good. While watching a sweet talented child on the screen, people will be reminded what indifference and dissension may lead to. The song that unites all nations...
In this futuristic sci-fi film, based on the legends of the Golem, insane scientists have invented technology that give them total control over the half-human, half-android population of Earth. Trouble ensues when one of the creatures begins showing independent will. He must be destroyed lest he influence the rest. They pursue him, but somehow he continues to elude the evil doctors. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
克里斯汀(Tuesday Knight 饰)在和弗莱迪(罗伯特·英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)的缠斗结束后不久,后者狰狞的形象就再次拜访了她的梦境。克里斯汀向曾一同在医院治疗的伙伴金凯和托伊吐露了弗莱迪归来的消息,然而两个男孩认为弗莱迪已死,等待他们的不过是平静的青春期生活。弗莱迪很快再度发威,将金凯和托伊杀死在梦中,克里斯汀失去了一同战斗的朋友,几近绝望,幸好有认为梦是解脱现实压抑良方的好友爱丽丝(Lisa Wilcox 饰)出现,克里斯汀在梦中被弗莱迪加害之时向爱丽丝求助,将后者拉入了自己的梦境,也使其卷入了弗莱迪的疯狂杀戮。克里斯汀终于被杀,而爱丽丝,决定为朋友报仇……
奄奄一息的维克多.弗兰肯斯坦(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)被北极探险船救起,他告诉了船长沃尔顿(艾丹·奎因 Aidan Quinn 饰)一个令人难以置信的故事。年轻的维克多与父母收养的妹妹伊丽莎白(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)生活在一起,一次他偷取了一本使死人复活试验的医学笔记,并用偷来的尸体创造出了一个全新的生命“创造物”(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)。可是“创造物”并不乐意这样生活,他逃走了企图开始新生,但是他失败了,经历了种种羞辱后他恨透了维克多。在维克多准备与伊丽莎白结婚时,“创造物”回来了,他残忍的杀死了新娘。悲痛欲绝的维克多故技重施,用伊丽莎白的尸体创造了一个再生人,“创造物”认为再生的新娘与自己是一样的,企图占有她,再生新娘以死相抗最后引火自焚。失去一切的维克多抛下一切追逐“创造物”,一直来到北极圈……
/Stuart Gillard
When Sarah, a girl with magic powers, and her normal twin sister Lindsey are invited to join both Alpha Nu Gamma and Pi Epsilon Delta, they discover that the two sororities aren't just rivals, they're bitter enemies. Suddenly, Sarah and Lindsey are initiated into an ancient battle between good and evil that threatens to drive the sisters apart and force one of them to make the ultimate sacrifice. Can Sarah learn to master her magic in time to defeat the resident evil on campus? Who can she trust and who will commit an unforgivable act of betrayal? The magic starts flying and anything can happen. When these supernatural forces collide, they'll give new meaning to hell week. Written by Alex
◎简 介 以扣人心弦的笔法诉说身兼小偷、人质狭持者、精神病与游民等多重身份的男子史都华一生的故事。除了描绘他前科累累、放荡不羈的鲜活人生,也藉此带出了英国下层社会有关暴力、毒品、监狱与犯罪等令人震撼的面貌,以极度真实而又几近残酷的写实手法,刻画出史都华失败潦倒的一生。但令人惊喜的是,作者与史都华都未以悲伤或自怜的口气来诉说哀伤的生命片段,反而能以充满趣味的口吻娓娓道来,使得整本书在浓鬱的哀愁中,却洋溢著活泼生动的韵律,是这部作品最奇特、也最具吸引力的地方。 获奖:2008年英国电影学院奖提名最佳男演员
侯爵夫人梅特伊(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)和恶名昭彰的浮华浪子瓦尔蒙(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是两个在情场可互相匹敌的朋友,利用性当作武器,去抵毁对方的名誉与地位。一日,梅特伊提出让瓦尔蒙去勾引16岁的贵族少女塞西尔(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰),使其失身从而身败名裂。而瓦尔蒙却认为这样太缺乏挑战,他非但引诱了纯洁的塞西尔。还追加赌注勾引虔诚、美貌素以贞节著称的杜维尔夫人(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)。最终杜维尔夫人投入了他的怀抱,而瓦尔蒙也渐渐真心爱上了杜维尔。梅特伊心生妒火,让自己的音乐教师兼新情人唐斯尼(基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)替她报复,结果,瓦尔蒙在与唐斯尼决斗时死于剑下,杜维尔伤心致死,而梅特伊也因此名誉扫地。
1900年的巴黎,妓院普萝奈像一座宫廷一样,成为寒夜里最温暖的地方。波莉娜·德埃(Iliana Zabeth 饰)刚十五岁半,写了封自荐信要求到妓院工作,声称希望“自由”;美丽的玛莲娜(Alice Barnole 饰)遇上一个肯给她蓝宝石的客人,她以为是爱情,却迎来把她割成笑面人的刀子;朱莉(Jasmine Trinca 饰)不幸染上梅毒,老相好只给她写来情意绵绵的信,放任她死亡,只有姐妹们哭泣……妓院里浮光掠影着百年前的种种,男人和贵族们的奇怪欲望,女人们被持续物化,虐恋和疾病永不止息,假面舞会要终结怎样的痛苦……
萨姆(凯伦·吉兰饰)的母亲斯卡利特(琳娜·海蒂饰)是一名精英刺客,当萨姆被迫与母亲分开时,她只有 12 岁。萨姆由 The Firm 抚养长大,这是她母亲为之工作的无情犯罪集团。现在,15 年过去了,萨姆跟随母亲的脚步,成长为一名作风凌厉的女杀手。她用自己的“才能”来收拾 The Firm 最危险的烂摊子,既能干又忠诚。但是,当高风险工作出问题时,萨姆必须选择继续效忠 The Firm,还是保护无辜的 8 岁女孩埃米莉(克洛伊·科尔曼饰)的生命。萨姆成为了被追杀的对象,现在她只有一次生存的机会:与她的母亲和其他女杀手“图书管理员”(杨紫琼、安吉拉·贝塞特和卡拉·古奇诺饰)团聚。这三代女性现在必须学会彼此信任,勇敢地对抗 The Firm 及爪牙大军,奋起反抗那些可以夺走她们一切的人。
/Michał Otłowski,Daniel Markowicz
The protagonist of the film is a young boy named Kuba who, due to his seriously ill sister, decides to get a quick cash by taking part in illegal car races. On his way he meets not only many difficulties but a girl Ewa, with whom he will be joined not only by love for racing.
Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this "reform camp" turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right.
/Claire Leona Apps
Sensitive wallflower Cara exists in her humdrum life until the appearance of charismatic Jay unlocks powerful desires within her. When Jay's beautiful French lover arrives, Cara's journey to self-discovery takes a dark and unexpected turn, with tragic consequences. Written by Official
本片根据波兰著名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。 Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare Szeregi'' (Gray Ranks) during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw and the liberation of one of its members (imprisoned and tortured by the Germans) through a maverick military action in board daylight right under the enemy's nose known ''Action at the Arsenal'' which was the biggest single feat of the sort undertaken by a youth resistance organisation in all of occupied Europe during WWII.
/Florian Knittel
诺拉(Mira Bartuschek 饰)是一个普通的不能再普通的女孩,似乎所有的浪漫故事都和她无缘。在广告公司里,诺拉只是一个名不见经传的小小实习生,职业道路黯淡无光。一天,诺拉的表姐艾米丽突然拜访,希望能够在诺拉家接住,艾米丽的职业非常的奇怪,她是一个职业约会员,她的到来替诺拉打开了新世界的大门。 在一场重要的约会前夕,艾米丽竟然因为食物中毒而卧床不起,无奈之下,她只得委托诺拉代替自己去约会。这次的约会对象是一个名叫马克思(亚历山大·库昂 Alexander Khuon 饰)的英俊富豪,让诺拉没有想到的是,马克思竟然对自己一见钟情。