Chunky Pandey
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/Sajid Khan
达浦(约翰·亚伯拉罕 John Abraham 饰)和秦都(阿克谢·库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)是同父异母的两兄弟,因为不堪回首的往事,两家人之间的关系只能用水火不容来形容。两人的女儿分别叫汉娜(卡瑞斯玛·卡珀 Karisma Kapoor 饰)和芭比(阿辛 Asin 饰),时间如同白驹过隙,两个女孩很快就出落得亭亭玉立到了即将家人的年龄。达浦和秦都都野心勃勃的希望自己的女儿能够嫁给伦敦最有钱的人,但这最有钱的人只有一名,究竟谁能钓得金龟婿呢? 一场意外中,阿杰的父亲心脏病突发不幸去世,而这一切的罪魁祸首是莽撞而又暴躁的秦都。阿杰决定替父报仇,他找来了自己的好友乔力与马克思等人,将复仇的目标对准了秦都的女儿。
The Story is about a power battle which is taking place in the higher echelons of power unrelated and unconnected episodes occurring in different parts of the globe, Intertwine in an unforeseen manner to a revelation of mind games. The story delves the audience into the game of a brilliant master mind to reveal the true nature of all that are involved. It challenges the perceptions of who is the hunter and who is the hunted. It blends in a thrilling story with commercial elements of story telling to deliver a high octane action entertainer appealing to all segments of the audience.