小恶魔"彼特·丁拉基将出演一部动作惊悚片《The Thicket》,并在其中饰演一位身手不凡同时狡猾无比的赏金猎人。《七宗罪》和《斯巴达三百勇士》的制片吉安尼·努纳利将负责此片制片工作。影片改编自乔·兰斯代尔的小说,故事背景设置在20世纪初,一位年轻的小伙子为了解救被暴力杀人狂所绑架的妹妹而四处奔走,最后找到一位名叫“Shorty”的狡猾赏金猎人,一名盗墓为生的酒鬼和一个深谙处世之道的妓女来帮助他寻找妹妹。彼特·丁拉基将饰演那位赏金猎人,对此吉安尼·努纳利表示:“丁拉基天才般的演技能把乔原著中的阴暗视角还原得非常生动,他来饰演Shorty这一角色,是圆了我的梦!”
The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC. Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape. Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare. Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself. But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly discovers that she must overcome scarce evidence, extraordinary local characters, and the island's strange cult history to uncover the truth.
/Pantip Vibultham
聚焦于两个童年的朋友,一个是老板的女儿,另一个是女仆的女儿,他们在父亲死后被分开了。 我是Phleng。我生来拥有完美的生活,但在我的家庭破产后,它很快就变得天翻地覆。当我有儿时的朋友Wanwiwa和我一起长大时,生活还不算太糟。然而,由于某种不幸的原因,我不得不离开。十多年后,命运让我们再次相遇。所有的记忆都复活了,感觉比永远不会。~~改编自晁·普莱诺(เจ้าปลาน้อย).)的小说《艳遇》(艳遇:รักเล่นกล Focuses on two childhood friends, one of whom is the boss's daughter and the other the maid's daughter, who are separated from each oth er after the death of their fathers. I'm Phleng. I was born with a perfect life, but it turned up-side-down very quickly after my family went bankrupt. Life wasn't too bad when I had my childhood friend Wanwiwa who was raised alongside me. For some unfortunate reason, however, I had to walk away. More than a decade later, destiny play its hand and brings us together again. All the memories are brought back to life, the feelings stronger than ever. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Affair" (AFFAIR : รักเล่นกล) by Chao Planoy (เจ้าปลาน้อย).
In the exciting fourth season, we fast-forward six years, discovering that Nikki (Esther Smith) and Jason (Rafe Spall) are experienced adopters having built a lovely little nuclear family, enriched by an extraordinary support network. However, as their teenage daughter, Princess (Scarlett Rayner), starts to yearn for a connection with her birth mother, Nikki and Jason find themselves confronted with the ultimate test of their parenting skills.
采访在第二季中继续进行。2022年,吸血鬼Louis de Pointe du Lac(雅各布·安德森 Jacob Anderson 饰)向记者Daniel Molloy(埃里克·博高森 Eric Bogosian 饰)讲述着他的人生故事。于1940年密谋杀害了吸血鬼Lestat de Lioncourt(萨姆·里德 Sam Reid 饰)后,Louis和新手吸血鬼少女Claudia (德莱尼·海勒斯 Delainey Hayles 饰)踏上了欧洲的冒险旅程,两人一起探寻旧世界吸血鬼和巴黎的吸血鬼剧院。正是在巴黎,Louis第一次遇见了吸血鬼Armand(阿萨德·扎曼 Assad Zaman 饰)。事实证明,他们之间的求爱和性关系会在过去和未来造成毁灭性的后果,而Molloy将探寻埋藏在记忆中的真相。
女孩吉瓦娜(Tess Amorim 饰)和男孩里奥(Ghilherme Lobo 饰)是最要好的朋友。里奥虽然双目失明,但内心一直渴望自立,不喜欢来自父母的过多保护。新来转校生加百列(Fabio Audi 饰)不小心闯入里奥的世界,也改变了里奥和吉瓦娜的相处习惯。里奥对爱上加百列患得患失,吉瓦娜对里奥的疏远伤心难过,而加百列懵懵懂懂的回应更让男孩女孩们的世界复杂起来...... 《爱,简单》是巴西导演丹尼尔·里贝罗根据自己2010年的短片《爱,牵手》改编、起用原班人马拍摄的剧情长片处女作。《爱,牵手》曾获得大小11个电影节的最佳短片奖。《爱,简单》依然讲述在牵手中跨越视觉的爱,然而与短片相比,故事的重心从性觉醒转移到了主角的独立成长上。独立成为电影的内核,其中也包括他独立选择去爱谁的自由意志。《爱,简单》获得第64届柏林电影节全景单元国际影评人费比西奖,以及象征同志电影最高荣誉的泰迪熊奖。
该剧以1980年代的纽约为背景,讲述了一位父亲(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)绝望地寻找儿子的故事。他九岁的儿子在某天早晨去学校的途中失踪了。文森特是纽约著名的木偶艺人之一,还创作了广受欢迎的儿童电视节目《Good Day Sunshine》。他努力应对失去儿子埃德加的伤痛,变得越来越痛苦和反复无常。他对埃德加的失踪充满了自我厌恶和内疚,儿子画的蓝色怪物木偶埃里克成了他的精神寄托。他坚信如果能让埃里克出现在电视上,埃德加就会回家。文森特的破坏性行为使得他的家人、同事和试图帮助他的侦探逐渐疏远了他,而埃里克成为了他寻找儿子的征途中唯一的盟友。
由《我们这一天》“Kevin” Justin Hartley主演和参与开发的CBS剧情剧项目<The Never Game>于日前获得正式预订,将于2023-2024播出季登场;这是CBS为下个播出季准备的第一部新剧。 本剧在今年三月开始进行开发,七月获得试映集预订,如今经过约一年的事件最终取得了好消息。作为自己完结“Kevin”后的第一个角色,Justin将出演特立独行的“Colter Shaw”,他以“寻宝者”的身份在全美漫游,利用自己的专业追踪技能帮助普通公民与相关机构解决各种悬案;而自己也同时在与破碎的家庭作斗争。 《杰西卡·琼斯》“Wendy Ross”Robin Weigert、《正在进行》女主Abby McEnany、《致命钥匙》“Logan” Eric Graise、Fiona Rene以及《重案组》“Sharon” Mary McDonnell共同主演。
《帕丁顿熊》“Mrs.Bird” Julie Walters将和《疑犯追踪》“Alonzo” Clarke Peters将联袂主演由《去他*的世界》主创Charlie Covell以及《真实的人类》Iain Weatherby担任编剧的六集电视剧《真爱》(Truelove)。 由于两名主演的年龄都超过了70岁(其它共同主演也基本超过了60岁),Channel 4表示希望通过独特、凄美还带着些黑暗风格的本剧来打破过往荧幕上对老年角色的种种规则,也会用引人入胜的情节转折、放肆的幽默以及充满激情的浪漫,在这个颠覆性的故事来向年龄歧视进行“开炮”。 剧中,Julie饰演“Phil”,从警长职位退休下来的她开始过着自己舒适却又无聊的晚年生活;和她有着相同感受的“Ken”(Clarke饰演),目前已经离婚、曾经是名特工。年少时期就认识的两人,从未忘记过对方。 某天,在一位朋友的葬礼上,Phil与Ken还有一帮老朋友重逢。在怀旧、畅饮的气氛之下,开始渐渐深入对人生的思考;大家讨论着什么叫做“理想的”离开,而彼此也达成约定:与其接受缓慢、让人可怕的年龄衰退,不如大家策划一个充满尊严的死亡。 参与本剧的还包括:《唐顿庄园》“Miss Denker” Sue Johnston、《尝试》“Victor” Phil Davis、《不可遗忘》“Martin” Peter Egan、《我的妈呀》“Reg” Karl Johnson、《家裂》“Rose” Fiona Button以及《纯粹》“Shereen”Kiran Sonia Sawar。 Julie表示自己其实已经因为没有什么吸引人的项目而基本决定退出演艺圈,但直到遇到这部剧,她被其中的写作所震撼——它以我们这些已经身处晚年的人为背景,有着黑色幽默、爱情故事以及惊悚元素;而女主“Phil”聪明、风趣、犀利的性格也同样让她喜欢,在我这样的年纪,我能有多少机会扮演女主角?这让我迫不及待地想与Channel 4展开合作。而Clarke也补充道Charlie和Iain的剧本以自己从未见过的方式探索了“是否要帮爱的人以它想要的方式完结生命”的这种道德困境,它有趣、黑暗并且充满了悬念。